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  1. A

    Searching for Gasoline connection

    Hi, I have a Problem with my Fuel Tank, Gasoline Connection. My 1994 FE 501 lost Gasoline. The lowest connection on the tank which leads to the vacuum pump has become leaky. The bike has been sitting around for over 6 years.The connector has become totally brittle and unfortunately crumbled...
  2. A

    It does not ignite gasoline pump and has no spark - FE 390

    Hi, I'm from Spain, and this is the only Husaberg forum I've found. First, excuse me for my English. I think that in this section of the forum, I have the right solution for my fault, since it seems that the bike's failure is electric. Excuse me if the subject has been discussed in another post...
  3. D

    Gasoline storage

    Hi All, There is a thread currently runnig about a guy having trouble getting his newly aquired/used 501 to start half way decently. In that thread was posed the question of fuel quality and storage. A quick google search found Chevrons site with some good info. Chevron talks about...