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  1. H

    For Sale 2011 FE570e for sale

    I just listed my FE570e on eBay and had forgotten about the forums. Here is a link if anyone is interested. Thank you. Regards, Earl https://www.ebay.com/itm/114379316485?ssPageName=STRK:MESELX:IT&_trksid=p3984.m1555.l2649 item number is:114379316485 08-29-20: BIKE HAS BEEN SOLD
  2. octopusenvy

    Dumped the 'X', Husaberg better than sex!

    Kia ora koutou, Gday Berg-ers! Had a 2009 BMW g650x challenge, which is a great bike if u throw money into suspension and fuel and a better seat. But there was only one bike I wanted more, and when the best example I'd ever seen came up for sale in Tasmania, I puckered up, made a deal, and...
  3. Taffy

    FE570e: code r6/rb?

    for a few rides now I've had a flash reading on the clock of 'r6' or 'rb' ? jokes about failing beefy starter motors aside, i can't see a code for this. anyone know what it is? I'm getting a low battery lately so I need to invewstigate why but otherwise all is good. regards Taffy
  4. bigbob

    2009 Fe450e or Fe570e?

    I'm thinking IF the Husaberg/KTM gods were to be so kind as make the 2009 models street legal here in California, then I will have to buy the Fe570e. A street legal Fe570e would be the Ticket in paradise. But, if the bikes are dirt only then a Fe450e would be my choice as I ride woods...