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  1. L

    2003 FE 400 stator failed?

    Hi could anyone tell me what ohm readings I should be getting please I think stator is poo poo it won’t start and I have a poor intermittent spark I’m getting readings of 145 green to black and 1228 red to black!
  2. S

    2010 fs570 speedometer has failed???

    i need to replace my speedometer on my 2010 fs570 the menu button no longer functions at all. the spare parts manual tells me i need a P/N 54814069200 (speedometer km/h f. 17" 2005) a brand new one from ktm is some ridiculous price. a local guy is selling one cheap but is has the part number...
  3. N

    FE 390 2010 E-starter failed

    My E-starter failed. Anyone know of an upgraded starter for Fe 390? Thanks, Todd
  4. A

    400->470 failed, need help

    hello! before engine rebuilt (fe 400 03) i decided to change the original 92mm cylinder bushing and piston towards the 100mm components because it seems so easy. the sv-head should get bigger e-valves. i took a flat wössner piston, thicker head-gasket is not available in germany so i...
  5. A

    What has failed ?

    The berg has been sitting in the shed for a few months but when I started it the headlights would dim when I revved the engine - seems like a short ? Anyway so I decided to replace the damaged light switch with an aftermarket I had and it is not a simple thing. Not sure if I all is right with...