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  1. E

    Excessive amount of metallic flakes in oil. FS650 2004

    Hello! (There is a short/TL;DR version at the bottom of the post) At first I'd like to apologize for yet another post about flakes in the oil. I know there are quite a few of these threads and should this one be considered unnecessary I will remove it. :) To the case at hand: I...
  2. 4

    Clutch cover excessive wear from the rear brake lever

    Has anyone else got issues with their rear brake lever causing excessive wear on the clutch cover. My bike is only 1500klms old but it looks like I need to replace the cover already... and no it hasn't been dropped hard on the side. :?
  3. L

    Excessive wear on engine side covers

    I have an 09 FE 570 with 320kms on it. On both sides the covers are already quite scored from my boots rubbing on them. Should this be the case?, there are even some small grooves there, like cuts, has anyone else noticed excessive wear here?
  4. P

    excessive chain wear?

    Hello all, I am getting excessive chain wear and I cant figure out what is causing it? When I get back from a 2 hr ride the Teflon bottom plate has a line of metal shavings below the front sprocket. Anyone seen this before?