electric start


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  1. A

    Husqvarna TE 300 2015 electric starter not working

    Hello guys!I have a problem with the electric start. When the engine is cold it does not turn the engine at all and when the engine is warm it turns the engine but not hard enough to start. 1.New bushings 2.New starter motor 410W 3.New Bendix 4.I greased everything What can it be?
  2. J

    Help finding 97-99 gear wheel starter for FE501E

    All, I'm relatively new to the forum, but I've been lurking in the background soaking up all the great info this community has to offer, so thanks! Picked up a 98 FE501E last fall that wasn't running and had coolant in the oil, the e-start was also not working. Wanted to make sure the bike...
  3. P

    2000 FE600E Battery removal/installation

    Hello, Anyone know how to remove the battery from a 2000 FE600E so I can install a new one?? I can not figure out how you are supposed to remove the battery? There doesn't seem to be room to get it out? Will I have to remove the shock or somthing? I can't beleave they would make it so difficult...