Hi there!
I'm having some issues with my Husaberg650 04. The bike eats batteries! :? Bet I've replaced the battery 3-4 times in the past 40 ridehours becouse the keep getting discharged and won't recharge again.
I've installed a new battery last week, and went for a ride...worked like a dream...
Ok, this is a long story, but I think you will find it interesting.
As some of you may have read on the “Vapor Lock” post, I dealt with a bad fuel pump for a while. Ultimately, my dealer sent me the pump from his demo bike and that fixed my problem. When he sent me the fuel pump, I had him...
Ordered a FS 650E, and the C model was delivered to the dealer, and they said they would get all of the OEM parts to make it road legal, and its quite a pain in the ass to do, due to the title issues.
The good news was I got it all done, lights, tires, directionals, fan and so on.
The bad news...