I was riding and fell into a puddle and the handle bars fell in the water where the electric starter button was fully submerged. The button stopped clicking into place, so I pulled it apart and cleaned it all out and put it all back together and the switch isn't clicking into positions and...
Just having a a look through the rebuild manual and saw the specs for measuring across the crank outer webs (60mm +- 0.05mm).
When i measured mine it was 60.06 at the crank pin and 60.18 opposite the pin :shock:
Ive got a feeling i should be worried about this? :?
Wish i hadnt...
Any ideas as to why my speedo stopped working?
The wheel sensor will sometimes turn the unit on and sometimes it will actually register a speed but usually it just doesn't work at all.
I've checked the gap between the sending unit and the magnet in the rotor and it's all good.
The wire...