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  1. P

    DJH Tensioners / Husaberg Cam Chain Tensioner

    So looks like DJH doesnt offer a cam chain tensioner for the bikes earlier than 09'. Id like to install one on my 08'FE450 then transfer it to my 07'FS650 when that engine is built. Is there another out there comparible ? I like the fact its fully mechanical & not relying on oil pressure...
  2. A

    DJH timing chain tensioner..

    Hey there folks, Just wondering if anyone knows how to contact Dave at djh? I've tried contacting thru the web site but can't seem to get a reply..I need a new tensioner for my berg urgently and wanted the djh manual tensioner..but if I cannot get hold of Dave I may have to use dirt tricks...
  3. H

    DJH Husaberg cam chain tensioner????

    Has anyone fitted the DJH Husaberg cam chain tensioner? Just wondering how much thread you had left on the adjuster after installation? Not much thread left showing on mine so I would presume my timing chain is pretty well stuffed already at 1800 klms. Anyone done the timing chain yet and...