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  1. D

    Questions re early FE501 Wiring diagram

    I could use an early FE501 schematic to finish wiring my bike. The PO had removed most wires and kept a bare minimum like a MX bike. Meanwhile I have some questions: 1) on the 95's ignition module, there is one wire that is a mystery. The red one. Is that a power-on wire or is it a shut-down...
  2. K

    husaberg fe 450 07 wiring diagram

    looking for wiring diagram on husaberg fe 450 -07... i have found the -09 diagram, but seems that isn't the same :eek: ? im a still novice on these bikes electricity so i could use a little help on this one...:)
  3. C

    Wiring Diagram TE 250 2014

    Hello, Can anyone help me with a wiring diagram for HUSA TE 250 2014 or a complete repair manual? Thanks
  4. J

    Need husaberg 650 2003 wiring diagram

    Hello can someone give husaberg 650 2003 wiring diagram
  5. M

    Help with coolant flow diagram please. 70deg.

    Can someone please identify what’s going on here? Is this correct? 1-? 2-leaving motor to thermostat 3-from lower rad to pump 4-thermostat min flow bypass? 5-from thermostat to rad Thanks!
  6. D

    2002 FE 501 wiring diagram

    Hey guys I'm new to husabergs and I recently purchased a 501 and I need to re wire it. Could you please lead me in the right direction to finding a user friendly diagram. Thanks
  7. A

    Wiring diagram 501-1995

    Hi, I have a Husaberg 501 from 1995. Its general condition is not perfect but it stopped working. After a few years of having the motorcycle stopped the motorcycle in the garage I decided to start it. I already have all the spare parts ordered. But I have a problem with the electrical...
  8. D

    Wiring Diagram

    Hey Everybody Looking for a wiring diagram for a 2010 FE390 Berg.... Any help would be great. thanks D
  9. O

    I need a wiring schematic / diagram.

    I need a wiring schematic / diagram for a Husaberg te 125-12. Looked in the owners manual and cant find the wiring digram.
  10. NZ FE

    08 FE450e headlight control wiring diagram.

    08 FE450e headlight control wiring diagram. needed please! As above can anyone please provide wiring diagram, for the headlight/kill/horn switch. Specifically which numbered terminals the red wire and the blue wire should be soldered too? These two have corroded and come free… Thanks in advance
  11. F

    labeled wiring diagram?

    Ok, first off I am a newbie to the Berg family and this forum. I have a '09 570 that I am trying to add some blinkers, fan and possibly some other things. I picked up the repair manual and the owners manual wiring diagrams but they are not labeled. Does anyone have a labeled diagram of the...
  12. J

    looking for wiring diagram for 2002 fc470e

    I got this bike as a basket case and literally everything had been stripped from the frame. I think I have all of it and am trying to get it back together. After putting the motor back together I am stuck with only engine service manuals I could find and no wiring diagrams. I have most of it...
  13. C

    wiring diagram for 600 FE

    Hello, my name is christian and I life in France. I bought a FE 600, but the electric bundle was cut. What is that somebody would have the plan to repair it? I thank you
  14. A

    fs600 wiring diagram

    im looking for a wiring diagram for a 1997 fs600??
  15. K

    2014 350 wiring diagram required please

    Currently have an issue, no lights front or rear on low beam switch setting. All ok on high beam though! Anyone have the wiring diagram? Suspect switch might be the problem but want to check power output. Thanks
  16. zen

    2009 Husaberg FE 450 570 - Wiring Diagram

    2009 Husaberg 450 570 Wiring Diagram Battery, Generator, Starter ECU Instruments, Tachometer
  17. Z

    TE250 2011 wiring diagram

    Hello! I need a wiring diagram for a Husaberg TE250 2011. Can anyone help me to find a copy? Regards from Johan
  18. A

    09 FE450 Wiring diagram

    Alright peeps. Just got hold of a FE450 what an awsome bike it is! I am just cleaning it and have found a few broken wires. I cant find a wiring diagram for it in any manuals I have, Can anyone help by the way of a download or a link. Cheers!!
  19. A

    enyone have a wiring diagram for 1993 fe 501 ?

    Just bought a 93 fe 501 engine to put in a 03 frame and have no idea on wiring plz help I have coil and regulater/rectifier but wires do not match up
  20. D

    2013 FE350 wiring diagram

    Does anyone have a 2013 FE350 wiring diagram or know how to get one?