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  1. L

    Destroyed my auto decompression or the starter?

    Hi all, My 04 fs650 was running great this morning (and it still does when it's running) but it doesn't want to start. The starter refuses to turn it over without a bit of manual decompression, and the motor refuses to start when that's pulled in Anyway. This coming from a bike that would...
  2. B

    Yikes! Front cog and countershaft destroyed!!!

    I've got an 09 FE450 with 380 hours and about 7800 miles. My countershaft sprocket and the countershaft itself both have their splines stripped! Found this out yesterday in taking the engine apart. This has happened in the past 3 weeks of riding. What could have caused this? I can't imagine...
  3. G

    Destroyed Exhaust Valve Shafts FE 550/08

    ok guys, I need some of your opinions here. Got my 08 FE550 brandnew, and from the very first start-up, the engine was burning a bit of oil. So far no problem, as it takes some time for the liner/piston to be matching. @ about 30 hours, it became better (no smoke when coldstarting or going...