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  1. V

    650 Starter Delete Plug

    2002 FE650 The wiring is a mess, and it is missing the starter relay. I have it starting 1-3 kicks with the kickstarter and want to remove all the electric start items. I bought the OEM aluminum plug from a FC470 to fill the hole, after the starter is removed. I expected a groove to be...
  2. K

    Starter delete

    Im removing the starter system on my 01. Trying to save some weight ... Love the weight of the FC. Do I need to remove the bearings that the sprague and the other gear (can't recall the name) run in. They are needle bearings and cages. I might at some point want to re install the starter so I...
  3. P

    Battery + starter delete - 08 550

    For some inexplicable reason I'm contemplating removing these from my bike, 1. Too bulky 2. Looks messy 3. Old school. Can someone please talk some sense into me. Look how tidy: ... -2007.html
  4. D

    delete NTXT

  5. S

