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  1. T

    For Sale Scotts Steering Dampener and mount

    Currently on my 09 FE570. Works great with no problems. $300
  2. K

    steering dampener i.d. trouble

    Hey guys i bought a 2010 FE390 a while back (BEST BIKE IVE EVER OWNED/ RIDDEN!!!!) and the previous owner had a weld on steering dampener mount but took the old dampener with him or her before it sold. i bought it from a dealer so i cant ask the previous owner and i would rather ask you guys...
  3. J

    New Super Small Berg Dampener

    The new Tiny Damper looks great, but there is no information as to the performance, does anyone know if it dampens back to center ??? or who actually makes it for them ? Thanks
  4. F

    who has a steering dampener

    before I spend big bucks on one I'd like to know if anyone has fitted one before and how much difference it maid. cheers Joe