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  1. cypher

    cyphers general ramblings

    well i've gone an bit dealerish today. went and bought these; 2001 tm 250 mx paid stupid low money for them from a mate who just had them in his shed, neither had been used for at least 18 months. Made sure i ran the chassis engine numbers through the importers and work prior to buying...
  2. cypher

    Cyphers FR3

    decied that i'll post up the report that im doing for another site. whilst writing it up i found there was so much that i just didnt have room. for those of us who attended we'll know how good it was, for those that didnt attend try harder next time :D Travelling and 1st days riding...
  3. cypher

    cyphers write-up

    doing a report and posting it on another site i go on as a few of them knew i was coming across. moab report on TBM site i realised after writing it i may have got a few things mixed up, eg i broke the engine mounting bolt on the trail ride not poison spider, but never mind its the thought...