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  1. Dr_C

    Billet valve covers for 2001-2008

    Cheers guys! I have been getting requests on CNC machined valve covers for the Husaberg models 2001-2008. Now I have designed covers with an o-ring seal, which will eliminate the need of a gasket. These billet covers are also tougher and will not bend as the OEM´s do. A set will cost 75€. If...
  2. C

    Stripping / repainting clutch and stator covers - 2008 FE550

    Hello, As part of the winter refurb, I'm wondering about how to freshen up the appearance of my two side covers. The stator's not bad, but the water pump and clutch covers are peeling the paint badly. What I'd really like is some form of reinforcement - for my DRZ and 690, Thumpertalk and...
  3. 5

    Engine case covers FE 570

    Guys, can anyone point me in the direction of someone that may sell carbon or similar engine covers fro the 570 Berg....can seem to get a line on them anywhere Cheers
  4. T


    Seen some AKA clip n stick upper n lower CF fork covers. Any one in Cali. know were n how to find? thanx 4 any help... :?: :( :(
  5. C

    Bugger - billet clutch covers - who does them?

    Took a tiny fall today on my 09 FE570 and managed to push off the Motocomposites clutch cover protector (2nd one i have lost and their stock fixings are garbage by the way) and put a nice crack in the cover itself. It weeped some oil on the ride home and is gonna need replaced. Are SFB still in...
  6. F

    Hyde Racing Clutch and Ignition Covers

    Noticed that Hyde Racing does plastic Clutch and Ignition Covers. Does anyone have these - any comments on them - should I bother at all? Thanx in advance. Fizz
  7. D

    Case Covers???

    Any suggestions for refinishing the stock covers on a 09-10 FE? My bike has 18hrs on it and the covers look like I've taken a belt sander to them.
  8. L

    Excessive wear on engine side covers

    I have an 09 FE 570 with 320kms on it. On both sides the covers are already quite scored from my boots rubbing on them. Should this be the case?, there are even some small grooves there, like cuts, has anyone else noticed excessive wear here?
  9. J

    09' glide plates, swingarm guards, Ignition covers, blue H

    It's here and vary cool !! 8O go to
  10. schwim

    lids, grape covers and toppers

    Alright guys, pics and places to purchase hats. I've got the black hat with the gold band, but my brother got the sweet Berg cap with the carbon fiber looking rim at the last Force ride. Who's got one for sale? Preferably online sale, if not, Paypal is next best thing. Barring that, I'll...
  11. B

    vented ignition covers?

    hi everybody, i was on the internet and found a website with a vented ignition cover for a husqvana, now i dont know where i saw it, does anyone else know what the website is? would it fit a berg because i think some of the old husqvanas had sem ignitions. it was a normal ignition cover with 2...
  12. B

    Air intake covers are almost

    Better late than never, the intake covers are near completion, here are some pics of the final prototype.
  13. doctorcorey

    aftermarket seat covers for 96 berg

    Well, the subject name pretty much gives the jest of my question; anyone know who makes the good seat covers for my bike. The stocker was junk, so I'm looking for something durable in black or blue. My bike is all yellow,except for the 92 blue frame. Bye. :twisted:
  14. Taffy

    engine covers repainted

    what kind of paint etc. cheers taffy
  15. P

    CNC Machined Transmission covers

    I have been chatting with a good mate and he can have machined the full Clutch/Transmission case. Details are. CNC machined polished aluminium. Fits 01 - current Berg (need to clarify 04, but defo the others) Will have separate clutch access similar to the 04 but in polished CNC machined...