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  1. T

    Anyone able to ID this FE 570 connector?

    I recently stripped my bike and I am now reassembling it. It’s all together but it won’t start. The relay clicks but nothing happens. I know I’m getting juice at the starter motor, so that could be the problem. I have a new starter motor which I might try to install tomorrow. But first I’m going...
  2. C

    2011 FE570, lost 6pin connector

    Hi, under the headlight there is a 6 pin connector that gets some if it's wires from the Key switch. This 6 pin connector is capped off with a male connector that has wires that cross over to make connections with wires within the connector and it is heat shrink covered. It leads nowhere...
  3. C

    OEM harness Headlight connector - 08 550E

    Hello, My wiring harness, over the course of the various previous owners’ mods, is a patchwork of aftermarket connectors and additions. So as part of my ground-up restoration, I’ve ordered a new one. I’ve ordered the full dual-sport harness – 800.11.075.500. It’s back-ordered, and in the...
  4. W

    Shorting pins 5 and 6 in the XC1 connector

    A while back Davo posted about bridging a wire between pins 5 and 6 in the XC1 connector to bypass the starter relay Unfortunately the pics have gone down the rabbit hole Does anyone have a picture or diagram of the XC 1 connector with the pins labelled correctly to share?
  5. S

    ECU 36 pin connector

    Hello fellow Berg`ers Does any of you know, where to get the female ECU connector (36 pin on wire harness) for a FX450, 2011? It is stamped, with very small letters "JST 36 UAA". Thank you in advance.
  6. OldMan

    Blinkers connector — what are these called?

    Hey guys! I'm going to need one of these blinkers connectors. They are probably used for other connections on the bike, but I'm only familiar with the blinkers. Are these some default or is it a KTM thing? What are these called? Is there even a part number for these? Obviously...
  7. I

    Is this the MAP Switch Connector ??

    Hi, I am trying to solve a small problem with my FE350 and want to try the "slow" map however I am a little confused: the vid on slavens racing shows a two wire connector (black and grey) under the tank but some on the forum here say its a two wire sealed connector behind the headlight but the...
  8. P

    Replacing the pump connector - Magura - Brembo

    Hello, I want to ask if I could change the pump connector Husaberg FX 450 2011 Magura with pump KTM SX 250f 2010 Brembo? Will it work? I am not happy Magura changed entirely in upper pump handle checked whether the lower pump misses everything was fine and still drive like a time waste heat...
  9. T

    MAP stock connector?

    So I found the wires that connect to the MAP switch and although I do have the MAP switch itself, the connector that plugs into the switch it gone. So I have two wires and no means to plug them into the MAP switch. Anyone know where I can get a connector to connect to the wires and plug into...
  10. M

    2011 fe570 ignition map connector

    I've looked for few pages but can't seem to find this information... Where is the connector for the ignition map switch to be connected to? Is it easily identified where it is and if not would anybody happen have a photograph of it? Cheers! Ron
  11. J

    2010 FE 390 Radiator Fan Power Connector

    Does anyone know what type of power connector the radiator fan uses to connect to the bike? Or the part number for it? I pulled up the wiring Harness at but I'm not sure which connector is used to power the fan.
  12. G

    MOLEX Connector Kit

    Guys, any ideas on where I could order a complete MOLEX Electrical Connector kit on line in the US which would contain a crimper and removal tool etc to suit an 06 650FE? I would need to get it shipped to South America. Comments appreciated.
  13. T

    Fuel pump hose connector opening on FE 2009 -->

    Hi, How to open fuel pump hose connector(s) on 2009 FE 450? I'm replacing the fuel pump assembly, and simply by pulling, twisting or slightly pressing the round(ish) connectors I cannot get the hose connectors to open. Trying to avoid excess force and not to break anything in the first place. I...
  14. G

    speedo connector type

    Hi, does anyone know the brand or type off connectors used on the 2008 speedo ? (the 4 pin connector that are supposed to go to the "tripmaster switch") Br Martin
  15. S

    speedo connector

    anyone know were to get replacements.
  16. N

    09 Map switch connector

    Hi, The wiring into the map switch connector has broken on me due to not enough slack. The bike is still running ( 09 fe570) and it seems to be in performance mode where i had it set, unless it reconfigures on start up. It seems to be a sealed connector, is there any way of rewiring into the...
  17. N

    Cam chain connector

    The current engine repair manual shows a cam chain with the sideplate retained by two little clips. It does mention that there are two types, so the other one must be a typical U shaped clip. I suspect that the repair manual picture is a carryover from earlier years. The engine parts manual...