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  1. D

    Submit comments to save Johnson Valley

    All, Please take a couple of minutes to help save one of the best riding area's in the country.......... BLUERIBBON COALITION ACTION ALERT! CALIFORNIA - Submit Comments To Save Johnson Valley Dear BRC Action Alert Subscriber, As many of you know, the Department of Defense has proposed a...
  2. C

    2011 570 - any comments yet?

    Pondering the purchase of a 570 and I'm curious if anyone has a ride comparison of the new forks vs 2009-10? I'm mostly interested in rock absorbing plushness. Also - I hear the 570 now has an air pump thingy to meet emmissions? How big, can it come off, etc. With deals out there on new...
  3. J

    04 plated 550 berg NEW TO ME any comments?????

    hey fellas, i have just bought my first berg an 04 plated fe550 im in australia and from what i gathered this is when they come "good" roughly. she's in pretty good nik with 2500 kms on clock and straight as a die! im a mechanic but is there anything i should check on the bike, common problems...
  4. B

    comments overheard

    Comments overheard at this weekends organized trail ride...
  5. Dangle_kt

    New Owner looking for some comments

    I just bought a husaberg FE 600, My Bike Comments please guys and girls! be honest I'd rather knwo what I'm letting myself in for! I bought it becuase I have a couple of 125cc pit bikes (one supermoto, one off road) and fancied a BIGGER version. IT can be saftly stated that this...