cold start


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  1. M

    FE570 2012 cold start issue

    Hello, so ive bought a fe570 already with this issue. There are days when the bike just wont start or you have to spin the starter for 20+seconds with tons of backfiring and gasoline smell out the exhaust. If you pour a little amount of gas down the airbox hole she starts right away. When the...
  2. V

    FE 570 2011 bad cold starts and stalling

    Hello, i bought FE 570 in quite good shape with 180hrs ridden mostly on road, but it wasnt starting very good when cold, after heating up it started very good. I rode it about 150km to home and it stalled 3 times. First after about 30km then after around 20 and then just before my town. It...
  3. W

    fe390 stalling and won't restart, fuel filters?

    hi i'm a new registered and a french guy. here's my problem i have a 2010 390 fe with about 105 hours and approximatively 2500km. last day i take a ride and heard some backfire when it was even cold. the bike was running badly like some "air holes?" i thought it was the gas level but no after...
  4. N

    looking for the best "cold start" threads...

    :?: I've been running into a lot or trouble starting my '98 FE 400 when it's cold. Comp release and valves are properly adjusted; got good gas, and a nice hot spark. Leg's getting sore; running our of patience and energy in equal measures... I went looking for threads on this from the "old"...