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  1. S

    Valve clearances on 2013 fe250 ,, apparently not the valves in the wheels

    Hi ,,, Can anyone help me please ,, having a new timing chain adjuster fitted to my 2013 fe 250 this weekend , my mate who is doing the work for me has asked if I can find out what the valve clearances should be ,,,, Can anyone help me with this please Jay
  2. sico

    70deg valve clearances

    Hi guys. Just checked my clearances on a 2012 FE390 @ 115hrs. Both intakes are in middle of spec at 0.13mm (0.10 - 0.15 spec). Exhaust valve on cam chain side is at 0.15mm and exhaust valve on header side is at 0.20!! (0.12 - 0.17 spec). Should I change the shim on the exhaust at 0.20? It is...
  3. J

    1996 FE350 valve clearances

    Hi, I'm trying to find out what my valve clearances should be set at. I've got the pre 2000 manual from the manuals section but I'm not sure if its relevant to all pre 2000 as it says "1999 and pre 2000". Would all pre 2000 Berg's have the same clearances? Can anyone tell me what my...
  4. P

    FE390 - valve clearances

    Just checked the valves on my 390 today. To my shame I realised I'd not checked them for about 160 hours. To the bikes credit, they were all still in spec with both inlets at 0.12mm and both exhausts at 0.15mm. Bike's now on 304 hours and 7807 miles. Whilst looking for the valve clearances...
  5. B

    Piston to Bore clearances 650

    What clearances are people running. Looking at a new piston but is only .5544mm or .02187" clearance what your thoughts too tight?
  6. Lumpy Cam

    Fs650e adjusting valve clearances

    G'day again, Just a few questions regarding valve clearance adjustment on a Husaberg fs650e. 1. Are both intake and exhaust the same clearance......using the 1/6 turn?......because every other vehicle I've had the intake and exhaust are different measurements? 2. Can I set the intake valve...
  7. W

    Valve Clearances

    Checked the valve clearances on my 2011 FE 390 that's done 4800km and 124 hours. Came up with LI= 0.12, RI=0.16, LE=0.18 and RE=0.19. They haven't really changed much from the last time I checked them 2000km ago. Bike still starts and runs fine............ Would you blokes bother to change shims...
  8. D

    video for checking valve clearances

    Anyone got a link to a video showing checking valve clearance for a 09 fe 450

    Honing 03 liners for Woosner clearances......

    Hi all, Heres the story: 03 FE650- damaged piston & liner from pieces of main bearing embedded in piston skirt scoring liner. Potential fix- use a 8551DA (99.94mm), DB(99.95) or DC(99.96mm) Wossner piston as required to allow for correct clearance honing depending on bore dia. required...
  10. S

    Valve Clearances?

    What should the Valve clearances be adjusted to on my 03 FE501? the owners manual says 0.10mm,this ok? i am hoping the adjustment will make it start on the button!
  11. bigbob

    06Fe450e valve clearances?

    still dont have my owners manual, downloaded one but left it at home. I'm at my parents house for Thanksgiving and would like to check my valves. Is there a link to instructions for checking and adjusting my husberg valves? or if some one could walk me thru it with a few sentences - most...
  12. Scoobie

    Tight Valve Clearances

    Hi, I just did the valve clearances for the first time on a three hour old 501 FE. They were all to tight so I loosened them off to 0.1. Has anybody else found that the valves were too tight on a new bike on first check. Also, there is no inspection hole on the cover, and when I took the...
  13. P

    Head and valve to piston clearances? What's good?

    Hi, Just wondering what is a good piston to cylinder head clearance, and piston to valve clearance? And which cams offer the best valve clearances? ie. 01, 53, 55, 08, X1, X2, etc. Also, what is the thickness difference between the thick and thin head gaskets offered for the 01-03 motors...