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  1. H

    Keihin FCR39 cleaning

    Hi all, Sorry i'm a bit new to this and was just wondering the best way to clean a carburettor? Heard soaking it in Acetone is an easy and affective way, would this be ok to soak overnight? Thanks.
  2. G

    570 injector cleaning / removal

    Having a hot start issue with the 570 and it appears it may be caused by a dirty / dripping injector. The question is do fuel injector cleaners work or am I better off removing it and having it cleaned properly? With regards to removal is there anything I should be aware of? I've got the fuel...
  3. B

    Injector cleaning UK

    Hi Guys Long story shortened, recently brought a 90 hours 2011 EF390, which has gradually started running rough, cough stalling and now back firing and bogs under throttle. Having looked on here, spoken to a KTM mechanic and Midwest, looks like I need to clean out the whole fuel system and get...
  4. M

    Delorto issues after AF cleaning...

    Just got this 03 FS650e a couple weeks ago and its been running great. No issues... until I cleaned the air filter and reoiled it. Now when the engine is hot, it has a flat spot just off idle. Killed it a few times leaving a light. Sux when you have to kick it... Anyway, everywhere else...
  5. M

    2010 FE390 - Cleaning the swingarm

    Hi, I have a 2010 FE390 and when I bought it, it had some swingarm protectors fitted. I've just taken them off and there is some dirt staining on the arms. What's the best way to clean these? I've tried soap and water but am looking for something more potent that won't damage the alloy...
  6. F

    Internal engine cleaning

    Hey guys just changed the water pump seal on my Berg and now I need to clean the inside of my motor to take the contaminated oil out. I have put about 5lts of oil inside to flush it out and there still seams to be a lot in there. Any tricks?
  7. HusaWhat

    Cleaning tank 2010 FE 450

    I have my bike apart and decided to check the tank for the infamous white powder and low and behold, there is a whitish substance on the inside of the tank. I can wipe it off with my finger but it will not come off by shaking the gas in the tank and I wonder if I need to get it out of there and...
  8. E

    Cleaning Plastic

    Any tips on cleaning of old graphics? I've removed the old graphics with a meat gum but there's a residue of adhesive left behind. Is their any type of solvent I should use?
  9. husabutt

    Cleaning electrical connections

    Whats your favorite way of cleaning electrical connections where they snap together? Is the use of dielectric grease on all fittings a good idea or just on some?
  10. Parsko

    Bike Cleaning

    Hello Gents, How do you guys clean out the spark plug hole? I recently changed my plug, and there was all sorts of crud down yonder. I was VERY careful to put the plug right into the hole so nothing would fall in. It is still dirty. Compressed air seems like it would work, but what...
  11. T

    Cleaning out garage - check Ebay

    I am cleaning out a few things: 2 Husaberg motorcycles ... AMESE%3AIT ... AMESE%3AIT 2 Husaberg 470cc engines ... AMESE%3AIT...