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  1. B

    1994 Husaberg Rebuild - Big Mistake

    Hey everyone, I finished up my rebuild on my 1994 501. The bike started up on the first or second kick and ran great in the 10 minutes I had it out. That's the good news. The bad news is that I found a clip laying on the table that I am about 95% sure that it is a piston circlip :cry: I'm...
  2. B

    impeller retaining circlip generic part number?

    Is there a Napa or generic part number for the circlip that retains the impeller? Or perhaps just the dimensions? 54 0471 100010 SICHERUNGSRING DIN0471-10X1 CIRCLIP DIN0471-10X1 I tried having my local napa match it, and while they have boxes and boxes of circlips, they couldn't make any...
  3. Dr_C

    Valve circlip, groove dimension

    Anybody by chance having the dimensions for the groove in the valve? I have ground cutters for making my own valves out of blanks, but now I need a titanium valve manufacturer to do it for me. OR, if anybode knows which valve manufacturer (Kibblewhite, Xceldyne, Ferrea, DelWest, Manley) that has...
  4. N

    Circlip orientation

    Do you have any preference for the wrist pin clip? My thought is to put the gap pointing straight down so the opening is a little past the removal groove. That way when it's time to remove it, I am prying up near the end of the clip. Might make it easier to install or remove.