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  1. S

    2011 FE390 Exhaust Choices

    Hello All! My ‘11 FE390 is stock including the factory Husaberg exhaust. I’ve been told by a couple of tuners that the stock exhaust is one of the first things I should swap out to let her breathe better. I can no longer find a new Akropovic and FMF doesn’t list my bike specifically. I’d like...
  2. J

    Need Help With 570's!

    Hi guys, New here. I have a choice to make between the FS and FE 570. Both are available to me. Please if anybody can can you list a complete list of the technical differences between the two bikes. (Yes I know one is Enduro and the other an SM) Many thanks, Jester
  3. E

    5W50 oil nowhere to be found, what are my choices?

    The factory recommends 5W50 for my '03 FE400, I can't find it anywhere. Checking some of the oil company sites it doesn't seem to be produced by anyone either. I've been running MOTUL 10W50 which has been fine, but I'm wondering what others have learned to be the best oil for their Bergs...
  4. cypher


    having tarted up the old war horse for some strange reason i'm starting to fancy a change. will probably move upto a 450 from the 400 buts whats a bit worrying is that i quite fancy getting hold of a 2004 450 VOR! does anyone know of any legal medication i can take before my symptons get...
  5. M

    2003 FE/FC 501's reliable good choices?

    I've noticed HMS is advertising left-over 2003 models in the classified section.I would like a little feedback on these from people who have actually ownwed,ridden them thanks.