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  1. T

    Checking my 09 570 engine.

    Im well aware they last forever sorta, but shes an ice riding girl and a lot more upper rpm riding than trail. To be safe its being rebuilt for the races this winter. Nothing found on the oil-magnet draining the oil. You got to love the 70 degree wrenchability if theres such a word, engine out...
  2. K

    Checking mains

    Ive got the top off my 650 and both the clutch side cover and the stator cover. I haven't been getting shavings in the oil so I'm assuming it is all good. I vaguely recall reading a method of checking mains. I've searched but come up with nothing. Is there a method for checking mains with the...
  3. hyebo

    Rebuilding Engine, checking mains, rod... VIDEOS

    Hello Ive been reading this forum time ago and really it has helped too much, although like you can see this is my fist topic. Ive a husaberg FE 400 from 2000 with non e-start and last year i changed the piston for a new one and i noticed that the old one was scored hardly by a ball bearing i...
  4. B

    Checking oil level... '11 Fe570

    Ok, this might sound silly (coming from me, that's almost a given :D), but when I go to check my oil level via the little sight glass/level on the right (behind the clutch cover), I can't see *****. It's like the glass itself is dark, so seeing a dark liquid through it is difficult at best...
  5. J

    2008 fe450 - first time checking valves

    Hi guys, just doing my first valve check and ran into a possible issue... Basically, i couldn't get the feeler gauge under the pad? and valve, but i believe part of my problem was the feeler gauges i'm using are just to 'wide'. Looking @ the pic below, that feeler looks to be much more...
  6. A

    Swing arm bearing checking & replacement

    After a day out at the local mx track the other day - noticed the tell tale clunk of a dodgy bearing when I pulled the back wheel over from the top. I've only just done the wheel bearings so it's probably not them... It's not a big clunk but there nevertheless. Can't really see where the...
  7. T

    Hello! New member/owner checking in...

    Hey all, just picked up a 2010 FE450 from TJs in Austin, TX. Couldn't pass up the chance to get a Husaberg at that price! Can't wait to get thing dirty. Will post pics as soon as I get some. Nice to find a place like this, I learned a lot searching through old posts. -Eric
  8. H

    Rekluse Clutch Squeal (Checking Manuf Suggestions)

    Hello Fellow Husa Owners. I have a 2010 570 and installed the Rekluse from day one of ownership. I noticed an occasional squeal coming from below. Seemed to be at high stress times like stopped (wrecked) on a steep hill and makes the sound during takeoff. It hooks up fine but made the...
  9. 5

    Checking cam chain adjustment 04' 550

    Hi Guys, I've checked the owners dock, my manual and can't seem to find the right details on checking the cam chain adjustment...or what teh hell to do with the adjuster itself Can someone give me an idiotproof version of what to do.. Mucho Thanks Pilot

    Just checking in and asking questions

    Hello Everybody, I have ran into a few people over the last few years that have had husaberg motors in their quads but they where in other manufacturers chassys. I was wondering if there has been any talk about them making a husaberg quad since I have been on this site. The only one that seems...
  11. spanner

    Checking timing on kokusan equiped bike

    There is lots on the SEM. Can`t find how to check the Kokusans timing. Cheers spanner.
  12. D

    video for checking valve clearances

    Anyone got a link to a video showing checking valve clearance for a 09 fe 450
  13. H

    Cam chain replacement, checking for bent valves.

    With less than 20 hrs on my last cam chain replacement. I broke another one this past weekend. I am thinking that it was my "at home" chain rivet job quality. Now I need to check the valves to see if they are bent. I am thinking of just rotating the cam and checking the valve clearance. I...
  14. fe600racer

    OEM fan checking that it works

    I have installed the radiator fan, but how do I know it works. I was thinking of letting the bike idle for a while and seeing if it came on, but chickened out after a while. If it does not work the bike may just get too hot and blow the radiator cap. Has any one put one on and noticed when it...
  15. T

    Newbie here checking in with a ?

    Hi Guys Great site you have going here. I poked around the internet and this seams to be the difinitive site for info. I'm a long time rider and just recently sold a DRZ400SM that I worked on as a winter project. It was a lot of fun and now I have the opportunity to buy a new '05 650 in...
  16. M

    Double checking the couter balancer

    I have assembled the crank and counter balancer shaft but would like to double check whether it's in the right position just to confirm.The photo was taken at TDC after I meshed the balancer at BDC with the most outer green dot. Forgive me if this question has been asked but I cant seem to find...
  17. bajar

    checking and adjusting valves on 05 450 fe

    just had my berg serviced valves adjusted & after a short ride found oil leak from the head? removed the tank and found loose hose clamp on the breather hose!!, tightened up clamp test run all seems ok now, you just can't trust anybody. would appreciate any advise on procedure for checking &...
  18. L

    I need instructions on checking the electrical :(

    I need to take my bike apart to check out pretty much everything. It is right now totally unable to start and I need to check it all inside out. It's getting ridiculous. This thing needs to be overhauled in order to run. The owners manual does not explain specifically how to remove the...