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  1. brookester

    Brookester Back On Bergs!

    Yes its true, after a short lay off and 5 KTM`s later the 525 exc is up for sale and the FE550 07 is on order. With less racing in mind and more Jolly boys outings i think going back to Yellow and Blue will be just the ticket!! What can i say, must of had a brain explosion going to Orange...
  2. brookester

    David Knight Pic with brookester

    Hi All, Found out yesterday that David Knight was riding a Wirral Off Road event just a couple of hours away from me, so me and Gruntunberg jumped in the car went down to watch him. What a fantastic rider this man is, he left the rest of the field for dead. The conditions was wet but he still...
  3. brookester

    GPR Stabilizers+pics of gruntunberg and brookester in action

    Hi all, Thinking of treating myself to a GPR Stabilizer, anyone running one at the moment who can give me some info on them (what type, how they fit?). Thanks alot brookester p.s. well done to gruntunberg who picked up a trophy on sunday at Thorpe :wav: you can see the pictures at...
  4. F

    05 suspension Brookester

    Does anyone know or have access to manuals/brochures/ texts of any sort that might indicate spring rates and dampening updates to the 2005 Fe 550? I will be riding one in Poland for the 2004 ISDE typically need heavier springs and need info so I don't take any extra luggage in the way of...
  5. brookester

    2005 Husabergs tested by brookester with pics by sw

    The new Husabergs are being lauched with Dave Clarke Racing at Trax this week. This is the world press lauch, the changes include new exhaust system and new swinging arm, hopefully get to ride them Friday i`ll post you with the full spec. brookester