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  1. W

    390 fe lights not working…. Help please

    Hi, I have 2010 390FE and the headlight and taillights are not working, also when using the front brake there is no brake light but the brake light works with the rear brake…. New handle bar switch gear, lights are functioning when wired directly to battery so its not a bulb issue eithier. Has...
  2. T

    Brake light Q. 2010 FE450

    Bought this bike last week. My tail light works, which I refer to as a running light, but I cannot get any sort of brake light to actuate. I pulled the seat and noticed that there are three wires that come from the rear light to the area of the fuse box. I'll post a photo of them. I'm not...
  3. mrjimh

    02` Fe501s no brakelights

    Hi Got a little problem on my bike. When i brake (with any brake) the "brake light part" of the bulb in the rear light just lights up very wea, not possible to see thrue the glass at all. when i switch the two wiers with each other, the breakelight gets very bright when i brake, but it...