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  1. B

    08 Husaberg fe650 at Winchester Bay Sand Dunes

    Last weekend I was at Horse Falls and Winchester Bay sand dunes on the Oregon coast for a test of the 08 fe650 Husaberg's MSV Racing lightened flywheel. Here is vid of the Berg at Winchester Bay, me discovering "Banshee hill" and climbing it once, plus a nice 80+mph 6th gear run. Love the...
  2. W

    For Sale 1996 501e SF bay area Northern Calif $1,100 See video of it running

    1996 501e SF bay area Northern Calif $950 See video of it running Bike is sold 1996 Husaberg 501 E Thumper Adult owned never raced saved old maintenance receipts. SEE IT RUN HERE. Youtube video. =) Watch the video. Put this URL into your browser. 1996 Husaberg 501cc FOR SALE $950 -...

    Bay Area SM Riders

    If you would like to meet Husaberg legend and genuinely nice guy "Kenny Noyes" head to Stockton on Monday (02/20/06). Kenny will be hanging out with "RockyMT" for a day of play. Dale
  4. H

    BMG at the S.F. bay area motorcycle show?

    Looking at info for the cyclenews motorcycle show at I saw that BMG has a booth for this weekends show. Does anyone know if husaberg will be represented? I don't recall seeing husaberg at past shows. Phil