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  1. J

    06 FE550 Leaking Oil Badly and Overheating

    I have an 06 FE550 and lately I have noticed a lot of oil coming from the top of the engine, I searched the forum and tried the RTV silicon on the valve cover gasket and changed the valve inspection cover o rings as well. Next two rides oil leak is much worse and I am constantly boiling...
  2. M

    I think I fkd up badly my fuel tank :(

    So I had this idea in my mind that I wanted to paint my clear tank to black to suit the bike better. But when I figured it might not be such a good idea if the fuel vapors breath through the tank, I just decided to check filter condinition on fuel pump assy. I unscrewed the front part where the...
  3. M

    Need a part very badly

    Hey, does anybody know where I can get a new clutch cable for my 94 FC600? any help would be awesome. Thanks,
  4. G

    Any 350's out there? Mine's running badly.

    Hello, Over the past several months, I've been putting my '95 FE 350 back into proper order and have learned a LOT from these boards. My thanks to everyone who unselfishly shares their experience and knowledge here. Is there anyone else out there running a 350? It doesn't seem to have...
  5. A

    Badly Busted Berg!

    Just spotted this one ... rown_row=0 on (Australasian Dirt Bike Magazine), that's a seriously knackered berg! anyone here know the story? Auzzie or NZ I assume? Azza.