What can I say anymore. I think this bike hates me. Got it back on the road again early this year after new cam failure. The smaller cam bearing surface worn down in the blink of an eye. Had the bearing surface laser welded back to new tolerances and put it back in, and also installed new...
Had my Husaberg stolen this week from my enclosed trailer sitting in my driveway. It stands out like a sore thumb around these parts, but I still doubt I'll ever see it again.
Damn thieves.
Hy guys!
I really need your help now. My ´03 501 E-started pretty perfect hot and cold for the last two years. Since a couple of weeks, it got worse and worse on the E-Start (Kicking is always easy). Now, there´s no way to E-Start that thing at all. Nothing!
I checked: Autodecomp...