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  1. E

    Excessive amount of metallic flakes in oil. FS650 2004

    Hello! (There is a short/TL;DR version at the bottom of the post) At first I'd like to apologize for yet another post about flakes in the oil. I know there are quite a few of these threads and should this one be considered unnecessary I will remove it. :) To the case at hand: I...
  2. feukfeuk

    Husaberg 650 '04 Liquid amount

    Hi! I'm doing some maintenance on my bike and now I need to refill the cooling liquid, how many litres do I need?
  3. E

    Help - sml amount sand in top end whilst chking valve clrnce

    Hello fellow Berg owners! I am new to your forum and firstly thankyou for the wealth of information already contained here - it has saved me asking MANY questions! I am new to moto and have picked up a '09 FE450 w/ 22hrs. I now have 38.8hrs on her and decided to check the valve clearances. No...