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  1. M

    For Sale Aluminum gas tank from my 06 FE450 $350.00 US

    I have a good used Omero fuel tank. Had it installed on my FE 450. I do have a black set of plastics that were modified to fit. The tank has its petcock too. I do also have a new plastic under the seat auxiliary fuel tank also. Make offer.
  2. H

    For Sale Husaberg Skid Plate Aluminum Anodized Blue

    This came of my 2011 Husaberg FE 570 but it will fit other models too. This has been used for less than 300 miles on the bike. I had a different fender on my bike that also had a took kit Anyways since I sold my bike I dont need this. I am asking 75$ + shipping ( via USPS).
  3. S

    Aluminum intake manifold for 2002 FC550 to fit Keihin

    Hi, I wasn't satisfied with the way a Keihin carburetor fits to the standard intake manifold and decided to go for an aluminum intake manifold with an original KTM intake boot. The manifold's groove is copied from a KTM cylinder head. This way the Keihin fits perfectly. I'm using the intake...
  4. Parsko

    Aluminum retainers

    Dr C, Have you done your S/N curve calculations??? Aluminum does not like fatigue stress at all. Beware!!! -Parsko
  5. bikebarnbeckman

    Aluminum Tank

    Just Curious... How much in US$ has anyone paid for the Aluminum Tank. I have someone wanting to possibly get one considering how much the Acerbis Husaberg Small Tank is... Thanks in advance, bikebarnbeckman
  6. V

    Omero Aluminum Gas Tank

    I've been inquiring into an Aluminum fuel tank from Omero in Italy & I was wondering if anybody has bought one of these from them? If so has was the fit & finish on it & were you happy with the product? They claim it is slimmer then the stock configuration so that combined with the aluminum...
  7. L

    Soot removal from aluminum

    Ok, I got the rocker cover from HMS and, as clearly announced, it is black with soot from a fire that ravaged a Colorado dealership (there is a little bit of molten plastic from the tsnk. Besides sand blasting, what do you suggest to remove soot from this aluminum cover? Acid would eat the...
  8. schwim

    Sexy side panel aluminum tank

    apologies if it's been here before. I'm always the last to know: A thread from SMJ keeps on showing up in the referrers and I figured I should share it, just for it's cool factor: Link at the top goes to the thread in question. thanks, json

    Aluminum Gas Tank?

    Hello Everyone, A while back I found a few photos of a aluminum gas tank that was built on a mid to late 90's 501? Has anyone seen these before? I am looking to build one for my bike and need some ideas...
  10. D

    Stainless Steel and Aluminum Interaction

    Don't laugh, but has anyone had experience with stainless oil plugs corroding or seizing into aluminum or magnesium cases? If so, what if any anti-seize products are recommended. Now I'm wondering about my stainless oil filters?? Any suggestions would be appreciated. Thanks, Dave 98...
  11. T

    Aluminum flakes in screen.

    I did my oil change today and found flakes of aluminum on the oil screen. The bike has 30 hours aprox. total. I change the oil every 4-5 hours or after a hard days ride. These flakes are as goes: 3-about .030 across 5-about .020 across about 20-25 .001-.003 in size. Could these be...