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  1. U

    Age old debate on valves........1/6th......1/5th??

    Hello, back after a really long time and re building 02 650. I have been looking through the doc and at one point it says 1/8 th turn on the clearance? I also seem to remember an old thread saying 1/6th on inlet and 1/5th on exhaust........ The problem i'm finding on the adjustment is the...
  2. B

    Average age of Berg owners?

    Strikes me, looking at the gallery, and the general tone of discussions that there are not many teenagers riding Bergs. The owners I have met down here in Gods-own seem to be of mid-mature years. what about at the other ends of the earth? Personally, I am mid 40's going on 13 with 35 years...
  3. H

    pros and cons for the different age groups - veterans disc.

    In Germany I see a trend for having always a new or nearly new bike. What do People dispose to ride her older bikes or buy a older bike? Is the technical progress for the hobby driver so important? expample: some friends told me I´m stupid and it is a waste of money to buy a 1999...
  4. Taffy

    for those of a certain age

    the film "the blues brothers" reached full CFS over here at the start of the eighties. i stuck a search into you tube and got this: ... re=related anyone else love that film to death at the time? (and...
  5. ossaman

    Jim Pomeroy dead at age 53

    I just read on the Cycle News web site that Jim "Bimbo" Pomeroy was killed in a automobile accident on Sunday Aug 6th near his home in Washington. He was traveling with his 9 yr old daughter who survived the accident with minor injuries. Godspeed Jim. May the angels guide you to victory...