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  1. D

    Save the trails!!! Help open up millions of Acres!

    HI Everyone, Please take a moment to sign the petition to help push through legislation to open up millions of Acres of public land that has been held hostage by the Feds for the last 20 years. Sign the petition here:
  2. D

    Two minutes to help save 13 million acres

    Many of you here have heard me speak about the "Wildlands Project" before. This action currently being taken by the current administration is evidence that this project is still alive and well. If you value you your off road riding area's, what's left of them..... Please take a few moments...
  3. D

    Stop the Closure of 450,000 Acres in CO

    Greetings all, Please take a moment and take action on the attached email. For any of you who rode at FR 3 this will have extra special meaning. Dear Fritz, In just Two Minutes you can help stop the proposed closure of 450,000 acres in the Gunnison and White River National Forests in...
  4. R

    upcoming Race: Oct 8/9 Pat's Acres Canby Oregon

    This weekend is the last race of the 2005 season for supermoto usa in the northwest. The event will be held at Pat's Acres in Canby Oregon (one of the best supermoto facilities on the planet) Practice is available from 10am-dark on saturday, Sunday the gates open at 7. Tech + registration...