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  1. V

    smooth acceleration kit for Husa450 / 2005

    is there a way to reduce power or a jetting kit to improve smooth acceleration and reduce torque for low revs on carb husa FE450 2004 ? Bike have too miuch torque from the start of the acceleration , need this only on high rpms .. i am only 73 kgs and i cannot handle the torque in the tactical...
  2. M

    2012 FE570 Headlight Dims on on Acceleration?

    Hi All, Went for a night run through the streets on my FE570 and noticed that the headlight dims right down while accelerating. Has anyone else had this issue or know what it might be? I have not checked the voltage to the headlight yet bu I assume that there would be a significant voltage...
  3. L

    acceleration pump of Keihin

    hi, just read some facts about the Taffy mod and BK mod on the acceleration pump of Keihin. Some people (Dale) disabled the function of the pump completly. YAMAHAs and KTMs are known to react very well on the mods, but what about the Husabergs? What is the estimated squirt duration for a FC450...