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  1. S

    For Sale 2008 Husaberg 550FE For Sale

    Located in Connecticut. Craigslist link nd details below https://newlondon.craigslist.org/mcy/d/colchester-2008-mint-husaberg-550fe/7282559804.html Fe550, perfect. Showroom condition. Street legal and registered in CT. Just put a brand new wheel set on with new bearings and seals. Lots...
  2. M

    550fe won't go into neutral when running

    Hello, I can't get my 550into neutral while running unless I'm doing a little speed rolling, it goes into neutral straight away if engine is stopped, don't have any issues with any other gears, can anybody help please?
  3. B

    08 550FE fork tubes spec sheet incorrect

    I have been trying to get the front end on my 08 550FE sorted and after doing research have concluded the factory spec sheet is incorrect. it calls for spring length of 485MM which is the correct length is 505mm and the spec sheet says tube length is 549mm which it is actually 577mm. My bike...
  4. B

    08 550FE want to add a Key to the ignition?

    I would like to add a Key or something similar to the ignition to disable the bike while parked. I use this bike as a dual sport and leave the bike unattended and would like to be able to make it a little more secure. Any ideas would be greatly appreciated.
  5. W

    Considering 2001 550fe. What can you tell me about it??

    I am looking at purchasing a 2001 550fe one owner with extremely low miles and would appreciate any feedback you have on the bike. It will be for trail riding only on tighter mountain trails. I am looking for a very maneuverable bike. Aside from that I would like it to be reliable as I live...
  6. F

    2007 550FE idle problem

    Hi from Estonia ! I was riding off road and suddenly i noticed that when i pull clutch in or stop, the idle is very low and eventually dies. Started up good and after some revving it sometimes stays on good rpm but after some more revving or riding it still wants to die on idle. No bogging on...
  7. 7

    2005 550FE set up

    Was wondering is anyone able to inform me as to whether i need to change the rear sprocket and drive cog (or any other aspect) on my newly aquired 2005FE. At the moment it is at the mechanics being pulled apart. The last owner informed me that the cam chain broke and gutted the top end (was...
  8. 7

    2005 550FE motard set up

    Was wondering is anyone able to inform me as to whether i need to change the rear sprocket and drive cog (or any other aspect) on my newly aquired 2005FE. At the moment it is at the mechanics being pulled apart. The last owner informed me that the cam chain broke and gutted the top end (was...
  9. P

    No e-start when cold -'04 550FE

    Hi guys Some assistance pls..... my Berg fires-up fairly easy when hot (on the 1st or 2nd crank!) even without the hot-start choke, but even with the correct choke and throttle procedure its a battle to start cold. I have checked the battery and starter over the weekend again and both are 100%...
  10. F

    How do i get the shine back on my 08 550FE header?

    after a year of constant use, my headers are looking very dull and grey. what should i use to get the shine back on the headers and pipe? another question: does it make any sense to go with a double exhaust on a 2008 550FS(i was watching Bernd Heimer race Supermoto in Portugal on the speed...
  11. J

    08 550FE jetting....

    G'day, Question to other 08 550Fe owners in regards to jetting, and currently have as follows: 40 pilot 182 main OBDVR needle 4th clip down from top mixture screw 1.5 turns out 15/50 gearing Exhaust endcap mod.....from Orangeberg. Bike runs ok as is(5hrs old), no...
  12. J

    New owner of 08 Berg 550FE

    Just been out for first ride, 110km forest ride through mud and pine forest areas. The good, -after 110km, still have 4.5/5lt of fuel left, -quick steering, doesnt deflect as KTM did, and more stable too, but damper still going on when clamps get here, -slick gearbox, 15/51 close to KTM...