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  1. G

    husaberg fc 600 00 problem with 4th gear

    Hi everyone, I have a problem with my husaberg, the point is that there is a problem with the 4th gear as I go, sometimes it jumps in this gear and I wonder if it's a problem with the clutch or the gearbox? , I will add that when I put the engine together, I did not give the washer that was in...
  2. Berg570FE

    Washington 4th of July ride! Informal.

    We are headed to camp at Buck Meadows, which is outside of Ellensburg. This area access' both the Taneum and Little Naches areas via camping on Manastash ridge. Only 1 1/2 miles from Manastash Lake. It would be great to ride with fellow Husaberg riders. Camp will be set up Thursday night...
  3. zaga

    FE400 Gearbox problem - 4th gear jumps to 3th

    Hi The gearbox of my 02FE400 works great without any strange noises, my problem is with the 4th gear. In 4th gear and when I push it harder it will jump to 3th gear, it doesn't make any strange sounds or anything, it just comes to 3th gear. If I don't push it harder it doesn't jump. It's been...
  4. H

    4th point of contact needs rescue!!!

    4th point of contact = back side = butt = ........ (from Airborne training - the 4th part of your body that is supposed to contact the ground during a PLF) Okay bergers---after about 10-15 min in the saddle of my 2008 FE550 - I am reminded that my berg seat is only SLIGHTLY better than my 440...
  5. cypher

    mid-wales 4th August.

    met up with a group from the Trail bike mag forum in the UK for a ride around Mid-Wales. group consisted of me, rob110 who was the leader and 4 lads who had come up from the south, Salisbury plain way; Scriberman, Crash Test Dummy (ctd), Atxjohn and jay posted up a pick below, ignore the blue...
  6. E

    I have the 4th husaberg maintenance clip complete!

    I this site want's it, I have it on my pc. Grabbed it somewhere from the net. I can upload it for you guys.
  7. T

    4th 4th 4th for Hbg riders

    Carlsson had another solid day (he's like a well oiled machine), Lundggren (after wiinning his class yesterday) was a bit down, and Salonen was up (woohoo), but they all got 4th in class on day 2 of the Canadian WEC.
  8. L

    Happy 4th of July!

    Fireworks!!! Wwooooooh :D
  9. K

    Happy July 4th Bergites

    Have a great day hopefully riding lads.
  10. doctorcorey

    4th Annual Greater Kansas City Husaberg Appreciation........

    I'd like to take this opprotunity to announce the 4th annual Greater Kansas City Husaberg Appreciation, Parade and Beer Bust. The Festival will run November 25th through December 24th. All Husaberg enthusiasts are encouraged to attend. For information, contact Doctor Corey at the UHE. :roll...
  11. M

    German Supermoto Championship, 4th Event, Grossenhain 06-27

    GERMAN SUPERMOTO CHAMPIONSHIP 4th Event Grossenhain, June 26-27th Race 1, DM 450 1 1 KÜNZEL, Jürgen GER/KTM 2 77 GAILLARD, Jean-Marc BEL/Honda 3 68 BLÖSSL, Alexander GER/KTM 4 17 SPANIOL, Dirk GER/Suzuki 5 99 GRAUF, Willy GER/Honda 6 18 ACKERL, Christian AUT/Husqvarna 7...