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  1. polska

    Oversize 33mm 38mm KW custom valves!!

    I want to gauge if there is any interest in organizing a group buy fron Kibble White oversize custom valves. I'd take 5 sets for myself that I wouldn't be willing to sell later on. These are really premium quality valves. Reply here with how many sets you'd be willing to order. Not shure of the...
  2. W

    Advise on Delorto VHSB 38MM, 1995 FC 501

    I am fighting with hard starting problems on my 1995 FC 501. I now have an ignition that will throw big lightening bolts (ie 0.37 inches reliably) so my problem must reside in the fuel / air system. I have a Dellorto VHSB 38MM carb. I have read that small bits of crud can cause my...
  3. S

    38mm delorto off idle problem

    I have a 95 FE600E that I bought several years ago. I took it out for the first time last weekend on a trail ride in the mountains. I cleaned and blew out the carb before going. It starts great cold, idles great, runs great above 1/4 throttle, but just blubbers terrible from off idle to 1/4...
  4. BergRyder

    Carb swap 38mm to 40mm

    My '95 FE501 supermoto has a 38mm Dellorto carb, I've noticed that newer models have a 40mm carb. I'm wondering if the 40mm will bolt right on, or require a new intake manifold? Also what kind of power gain can I expect?
  5. B

    Kehin 38mm PWM?

    Anyone know anything about this carby? It's a flat slide job that looks similar to the OEM Dellorto. There in a brandnewstillinbox one for AU$280 in left over old stock at a local dealer who went out of hussies a couple of years back. It says on the box it's for a FC/FE 501 and there is a big...