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  1. Alan

    Twin cam 610cc 11,000 rpm bent Berg

    Believe it or not.
  2. F

    Xtinction $10 000 prize money

    Once again Corner Grass Racing Team is promoting Xtinction near Patricia Alberta, Aug 6/7. As Canada's Husaberg off road team, we aim to please both the competitor and the spectator by bringing world class riders to a very unique venue that has excellent spectator access. We've got some...
  3. S

    My 1,000 th Post

    I just noticed that my last one was 999, so here is 1000 th. UHE is the first internet forum I joined, and I've found a few more non Berg ones since that cover subjects that interest me. I reckon UHE is the best forum on the net that I've found. Must be because of all the great people who...
  4. D

    Stop the Closure of 450,000 Acres in CO

    Greetings all, Please take a moment and take action on the attached email. For any of you who rode at FR 3 this will have extra special meaning. Dear Fritz, In just Two Minutes you can help stop the proposed closure of 450,000 acres in the Gunnison and White River National Forests in...
  5. cheeseberger

    06 650 11,000+miles

    WOW Rode my buddies 06 650 with 11,600 miles yesterday. It's still on the original piston, main bearings, etc. Had some head work, cam, rocker arms, 1 valve. Still pulls like a freight train on steroids. His 08 650 has 6000 miles already. This dude rides more than anyone I have ever met...
  6. cheeseberger

    10,000 10,000 I FINALLY DID IT

    hello all Got that 10,000th mile last week on the ol 2004 fe550 :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D The places that machine has taken me and the amount of joy it has brought to my face are truly astounding, i am a lucky boy. Now i am torn whether to sell it, ride it til it stops, or have the...
  7. Taffy

    000 or 08 cam required

    my 650 engine (vintage '03) requires an OEM cam. regards Taffy