2 things I'm looking at,
1. first, read on this site I'm sure about milling 30% of the brake pad away to reduce rear brake locking...I'm struggling with my 550 on semi loose / loose downhills with the rear being impossible to stop from locking up.
If I was to try the milling of the there a specific way to mill front, trailing edge, a strpi right down the guts...?
2. Has anyone seen, tried, formed an opionion on this TCB Valve....if so maybe it might assist...?
And so the door for comment opens...
2 things I'm looking at,
1. first, read on this site I'm sure about milling 30% of the brake pad away to reduce rear brake locking...I'm struggling with my 550 on semi loose / loose downhills with the rear being impossible to stop from locking up.
If I was to try the milling of the there a specific way to mill front, trailing edge, a strpi right down the guts...?
2. Has anyone seen, tried, formed an opionion on this TCB Valve....if so maybe it might assist...?
And so the door for comment opens...