The little bitch!


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Jan 8, 2004
I had a problem Friday evening, Normaly I hit the choke and it fires by third kick, leave the choke on for a few minutes, blip the throttle, turn choke off and she idles well.Friday,she ran for a minute on choke and then died, like it was starving for fuel. I kicked till I almost passed out,nothing, pulled the plug checked for spark,okay,had a plug laying around, threw it in. Started first kick.Saturday went out and she started first kick, ran fine, everything normal. Had a ride planed today about 2 1/2 hours from the house, drove out there took the bike off the truck and there it went again. Ran for about 5 minutes with choke on and it seemed like once the float emptied she died out. Kicking I could smell gas and the plug looked wet, not overly wet but she refused to run for the rest of the day. I borrowed a DRZ so the day wouldnt be a total failure. Every so often I would go back and try the little bitch hoping maybe something cleared up but no luck.Checked for spark this evening and it seems ok. Dale rebuilt the carb over the winterJust looking for a little input or any ideas. Thanks guys. 98 FE 600
Next step should be having the stator shipped to Sparks... Dale did a great job on my carb as well and it solved some of my issues, but the quality of Sparks' rewinds is excellent.
well if it's been that good till now you must have a new scenario?

you're rich for sure and not fuel starved so lets get that right first. the plug is being drowned.

electrical failure such as the plug being old, the carb being worn, plug cap or stator are the obvious ones.

been through a lot of water lately? anything different?


Drain fuel bowl? Hot or cold plug? Lead breaking down? I really feel for you. Nothing worse than kicking the **** out of your bike and it not playing the game. I have no clues, I just feel for you. Good luck.
Yes it is running rich, I really have n't had a chance to take to do any testing yet. Last time I took her out was June,A dual sport ride in MIchigan. Ran so well I didnt want to mess with a good thing. I set the exhaust valves a touch looser than the intakes,my thinking to help with the e-start. As for drowning the plug,visual inspection showed the plug to be surprisingly dry for the amont of fuel that should have gone into it. I will tinker with it today if I have time .
found a new plug in the garage ,put it in and it started first kick, I will try to lower the main jet,there is no number on the one Dale installed but it looks larger than any of the mains I have here.Since it now starts I really have nothing to fall back on. I really dont think the plug I had in there was bad as it ran fine on saturday. I didnt bring any spare plugs with me on sunday, didnt really think that was an issue. What is the procedure for trying to start a flooded engine? If it was flooded you would think that at sometime during the course of the day it would clean itself out. Do 4st. foul plugs? I always thought that was a 2st. issue
schultzy said:
the bike off the truck and there it went again. Ran for about 5 minutes with choke on and it seemed like once the float emptied she died out. Kicking I could smell gas and the plug looked wet,

Choke on for five minutes?
You're completely fouling the plug and flooding the bike by leaving the choke on so darned long. Just use the choke to get the bike started and only leave it on for 10 seconds or so. If the bike won't idle, just turn it up for a bit then turn it back once it's warmed up. Once a plug is fouled, it is trash. Throw it away. If memory serves me correctly an NGK C8E is the plug for your bike. Keep a fresh spare with you as they are very inexpensive although you really shouldn't need it.

The procedure to deal with a flooded Husaberg fitted with a Dellorto carb. is simple
• open the throttle completely
• gently kick the bike over 6-10 times. you can use your manual decomp lever to make it kick easier (this action blows unused fuel out of the cylinder)
• let go of the throttle (and decomp) and kick as normal and she should start. if not, repeat procedure

good luck and remember, the choke is just to get the bike fired up and a quick initial warming (10-20 seconds) otherwise it's just spewing excess fuel into the cylinder.

schultzy said:
found a new plug in the garage ,put it in and it started first kick, I will try to lower the main jet,there is no number on the one Dale installed but it looks larger than any of the mains I have here.

Don't mess with the main jet as that only comes into play near full throttle!

As stated earlier, put in a fresh plug and stop leaving the choke on for extended periods.

Try to focus on the Pilot Jet for starting and low RPM operational issues. The Main Jet really only comes into play when the throttle is more than halfway open.

Most bikes shouldn't need the choke for more than a minute when cold starting.

the pilot has little to do with starting. the needle width and taper start point are far more effective at helping the start.


well I think I overexagerated the 5 minutes with the choke on, I also dont have a decomp lever but went through the same procedure without it and still nothing, as for a leaner pilot jet,The bike is runing very well today and I dont have any low idle issues. I guess from now I will keep some extra plugs on hand!
Schultzy schultzy schultzy, you still didn't say what we wanted to hear!

When the bike starts, don't leave the choke on very long or you will flood it!

Also, it's not a good idea to let your Berg sit and idle for more than a minute after starting it anyway. The bike may not only get too hot, but it definitely is not getting the proper lubrication to the top end by sitting on it's side stand idling. Remember, your bike is not an XR, KLR or DRZ! Your 98' 600 is a race bike!

One more word of advice. Don't refer to her as "little bitch". Come up with something nicer like Honey-Pie Bergy Girl. Go out and buy her some some accessories or Husa-bling and she'll treat to a night~ er, I mean a day of pleasure. 8O

Later schultzy,
oh boy loggy!

if my girlfreind sees this it'll confirm all the stuff she ever thought about all men and why we come on UHE!

gawd help us!


my 99 400 floods and dies after about 20 sec. of having the choke on. but the "BABY" restarts immediately without the choke. Then the" BITCH" threw me a wrench 2 weeks ago, 55 mi into a race. after going through a swampy area I twist the wrist and she starts thumping and then just dies....immediately. Could it be he has a weak stator and gets really weak when hot due to expansion? after your bike dies you know your 4.5 mi from the road behind you, and who knows till the next rd, but its 1.3 mi till the next turn. which way do you start walking? Just an idea....and the miller lite talking.......LOL. Funny thing is I have called her honey-bunch......but not honey-pie.......maybe I should try that one.. the way my red-black lead on the stator is to sparks as soon as he emails me back..... -black was right on....I reversed the leads on both was 170.2 ohms and the red -black was infinate.....I hope that is what i wanted to say.......LOL
I start calling her honey pie the wife will have me sleeping with it, In the Garage!
schultzy said:
I start calling her honey pie the wife will have me sleeping with it, In the Garage!
So...... wheres the problem :lol: let me guess, there is no beer fridge or telly out there...YET

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