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Information Alert- California Legislators Considering Using OHV Funds to Operate State Park Facilities Where OHV Use is Not Allowed!
Please read and the following important message from the Off-Road Business Association (ORBA) & the American Motorcyclist Association, D37 Competition (AMA D37)
Every California resident is urged to contact their representatives and members of the Budget Conference Committee and tell them to not take money out of the OHV Trust Fund to operate CA State Parks facilities where OHV use is NOT allowed
The state of California is in the midst of a severe budget crisis. Some legislators in the state would like to destroy one of the only programs in the state that is self funded and does not use any general fund money. In 1971 the Off-Highway Vehicle (OHV) community agreed not use general fund dollars to operate and maintain their system of recreation areas. Instead, this segment of the recreating public chose a pay to play system. The OHV Division of California State Parks is funded exclusively by taxes paid on gasoline used recreating off-highway, red and green sticker registration fees and entrance fees to the State Vehicular Recreation Areas (SVRA's).
Earlier this year the OHV trust fund was already raided by the Legislature to lend the general fund $90 million that had previously been set aside for acquiring new properties. And now, after that money has been sacrificed to the current budget crisis, the OHV community in California is being asked to give more! When will this madness stop? Why destroy one of the only successful and fully self funded programs in the state? Instead, our representatives are looking to steal the money of hard working OHV recreating families. The leaders of this state should attempt to emulate the success of the OHV program in order to properly fund other non OHV State Park facilites that are in need of operating funds.
Below you will find the contact information for the members of the Budget Conference Committee who will be considering this irresponsible action. Please contact them as well as your local representatives and express your displeasure with the idea of using OHV trust funds to operate California State Parks where OHV use is not allowed.
The template letter provided should be personalized and faxed or e-mailed to the members of the Committee. This template letter can also be found on the AMA D37 message board at http://www.district37ama.org/forums/ in both the off-road and dual sport forums. Together the OHV community can make a difference!
2009 Budget Conference Committee Members
Noreen Evans - Fax 916-319-2107 (phone 916-319-2007) (Chair)
Roger Niello - Fax 916-319-2105 (phone 916-319-2005)
Bob Blumenfield - fax 916-319-2140 (phone 916-319-2040)
Kevin de Leon - Fax 916-319-2145 (phone 916-319-2045)
Jim Nielsen - Fax916- 319-2102 (phone 916-319-2002)
Denise Ducheny - Fax 916-327-3522 (phone 916-651-4040) (Chair)
Bob Dutton - Fax 916-327-2272 (phone 916-651-4031)
Mark Leno - Fax 916-445-4722 (phone 916-651-4003)
Alan Lowenthal - Fax 916-327-9113 (phone 916-651-4027)
Mimi Walters - Fax 916-445-9754 (phone 916-651-4033)
If one of your legislators is on this committee then please send a letter or fax directly to them. If not, please send a letter or fax to the chair of each committee.
The following can be used as a template, but a quick 1 page letter in your own words is even better.
Dear (insert name of Legislator):
My family enjoys recreating together on off-highway vehicles. This is one of the few activities that everyone in our family can participate in together. I am also aware of the fact that the state of California is in the midst of a serious financial crisis. It is my understanding that the state is considering using OHV trust fund dollars to fund parks that do NOT allow OHV use. I am strongly opposed to this idea.
In 1971 the Off-Highway Vehicle (OHV) community agreed not use general fund dollars to operate and maintain their system of recreation areas. Instead, the OHV recreating public chose a pay to play system. The OHV Division of California State Parks is funded exclusively by taxes paid on gasoline used recreating off-highway, red and green sticker registration fees and entrance fees to the State Vehicular Recreation Areas (SVRA's).
Earlier this year the OHV trust fund was already raided by the Legislature to lend the general fund $90 million that had been set aside for acquiring new properties. And now after that money has been sacrificed to the current budget crisis, the OHV community in California is being asked to give more! When will this madness stop? Why destroy one of the only successful and fully self funded programs in the state? Why are these representatives looking to steal the money of hard working OHV recreating families, like mine? The leaders of this state should attempt to emulate the success of the OHV program in order to properly fund other non OHV State Parks that are in need of operating funds.
Your name & address
Please read and the following important message from the Off-Road Business Association (ORBA) & the American Motorcyclist Association, D37 Competition (AMA D37)
Every California resident is urged to contact their representatives and members of the Budget Conference Committee and tell them to not take money out of the OHV Trust Fund to operate CA State Parks facilities where OHV use is NOT allowed
The state of California is in the midst of a severe budget crisis. Some legislators in the state would like to destroy one of the only programs in the state that is self funded and does not use any general fund money. In 1971 the Off-Highway Vehicle (OHV) community agreed not use general fund dollars to operate and maintain their system of recreation areas. Instead, this segment of the recreating public chose a pay to play system. The OHV Division of California State Parks is funded exclusively by taxes paid on gasoline used recreating off-highway, red and green sticker registration fees and entrance fees to the State Vehicular Recreation Areas (SVRA's).
Earlier this year the OHV trust fund was already raided by the Legislature to lend the general fund $90 million that had previously been set aside for acquiring new properties. And now, after that money has been sacrificed to the current budget crisis, the OHV community in California is being asked to give more! When will this madness stop? Why destroy one of the only successful and fully self funded programs in the state? Instead, our representatives are looking to steal the money of hard working OHV recreating families. The leaders of this state should attempt to emulate the success of the OHV program in order to properly fund other non OHV State Park facilites that are in need of operating funds.
Below you will find the contact information for the members of the Budget Conference Committee who will be considering this irresponsible action. Please contact them as well as your local representatives and express your displeasure with the idea of using OHV trust funds to operate California State Parks where OHV use is not allowed.
The template letter provided should be personalized and faxed or e-mailed to the members of the Committee. This template letter can also be found on the AMA D37 message board at http://www.district37ama.org/forums/ in both the off-road and dual sport forums. Together the OHV community can make a difference!
2009 Budget Conference Committee Members
Noreen Evans - Fax 916-319-2107 (phone 916-319-2007) (Chair)
Roger Niello - Fax 916-319-2105 (phone 916-319-2005)
Bob Blumenfield - fax 916-319-2140 (phone 916-319-2040)
Kevin de Leon - Fax 916-319-2145 (phone 916-319-2045)
Jim Nielsen - Fax916- 319-2102 (phone 916-319-2002)
Denise Ducheny - Fax 916-327-3522 (phone 916-651-4040) (Chair)
Bob Dutton - Fax 916-327-2272 (phone 916-651-4031)
Mark Leno - Fax 916-445-4722 (phone 916-651-4003)
Alan Lowenthal - Fax 916-327-9113 (phone 916-651-4027)
Mimi Walters - Fax 916-445-9754 (phone 916-651-4033)
If one of your legislators is on this committee then please send a letter or fax directly to them. If not, please send a letter or fax to the chair of each committee.
The following can be used as a template, but a quick 1 page letter in your own words is even better.
Dear (insert name of Legislator):
My family enjoys recreating together on off-highway vehicles. This is one of the few activities that everyone in our family can participate in together. I am also aware of the fact that the state of California is in the midst of a serious financial crisis. It is my understanding that the state is considering using OHV trust fund dollars to fund parks that do NOT allow OHV use. I am strongly opposed to this idea.
In 1971 the Off-Highway Vehicle (OHV) community agreed not use general fund dollars to operate and maintain their system of recreation areas. Instead, the OHV recreating public chose a pay to play system. The OHV Division of California State Parks is funded exclusively by taxes paid on gasoline used recreating off-highway, red and green sticker registration fees and entrance fees to the State Vehicular Recreation Areas (SVRA's).
Earlier this year the OHV trust fund was already raided by the Legislature to lend the general fund $90 million that had been set aside for acquiring new properties. And now after that money has been sacrificed to the current budget crisis, the OHV community in California is being asked to give more! When will this madness stop? Why destroy one of the only successful and fully self funded programs in the state? Why are these representatives looking to steal the money of hard working OHV recreating families, like mine? The leaders of this state should attempt to emulate the success of the OHV program in order to properly fund other non OHV State Parks that are in need of operating funds.
Your name & address