Suspension questions


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Aug 30, 2011
Ontario, Canada
I don't know what I have here so if anyone has any thoughts, chime in. 4860 forks manufactured in 2000. They are on the FC track bike I purchased. The suspension seems to be about 25mm lower than my 2001fe. The suspension is much stiffer and the rear spring is an 84-250 spring.
These could be fs forks installed on the bike, prev owner didn't know.
They could be modified FC forks.
There are serial numbers on the forks ... Will this tell me anything?
Did husaberg internally limit the travel on forks/shocks for f/s models?
Was the valving the same/different on fe/fs or did they just use different spring rates to stiffen them?
Has anyone resprung/revalved fs suspension for Offroad?
I'm liking the shorter suspension on this bike. I think I'd like to soften it up for Offroad. I've never been into valving and shims etc. but it may be time to learn. If I get in to these, I'm prob going to be looking for some shim stack advice also....
Thanks in advance
The shim stacks were different for FS, FE and FC models. Also, the travel on the FS shox is internally limited from the factory, as you suspected.

This limiting of the travel can be done to any shox, so the ones you have may not necessarily be from an FS, but may just have been done to suit a shorter rider.
what offset have yu got in your clamps? is the part number stamped on them and are the last three numbers '022'?

let's get it handling first shall we?


Perhaps I'm daft but I can't find a number on either of my 01 clamps. I have ktm clamps which have numbers. The berg clamps don't seem too.
Ok, thanks taffy. I have 18's on my fe and they have made a world of difference. I really notice the difference at slow speed like practicing doing full lock tight circles. I've done some research and have shim stack info from a parts fiche for the fs and fe. Next is to pull the forks apart and see what I have.
I got in to the forks. The springs in them were 485mm with no top spacers. 29 coils and the spring diameter was the same as a set of berg .46 springs I had on the shelf the .46 springs are 505mm long. Can't give you an exact diameter on the spring as my vernier died. It looks like someone has been into the valving as the base valve is a little chewed up... I'm a little worried that a wrench won't work on it. I've inverted the legs and filled the well with penetrating oil. Does anyone have any tips for getting the base valves out? There is also something rattling around in the bottom of one of the legs, can't get anything out or see anything down there. I'm sure I'll find out soon enough when the cartridge comes out.
you can compress the forks and springs with a strap, that usually is enough to stop the cartridge spinning

if it is really stuck you can put a thin walled pipe or thin walled socket over the base valve nut and hit it inwards a few times

the flange of the basevalve then bends slightly and relieves the holding force

the manual says to hold the damper rod over to one side to hold the cart still, most people just use rattle guns
Thanks . I've out a socket on the 19mm nut and can't get it to turn out. I'll prob try an impact in a couple days after the pen oil has a chance to hopefully loosen it up.
Got the base valve out, ground down a socket and hit it with the impact gun... No problem

I pulled the shim stack apart on the bv and this is what I got


I'm thinking the fork was very stiff based on the 23mm shims that would offer very little flex.
Thanks, I'm reading as much as I can to understand how things work and how the valving all relates to each other. The one answer I still am yet to find is does the valving have anything to do with rider weight or is this covered by the spring and the valving is speed and trail conditions?
Sorry for exloiting this topic, I have a short question. My front forks are WP48 and they have this number on top cap: 1445v719. Can somebody identify from which model and year they come? my bike is a puzzle, literally frankenstein.
Thanks, I'm reading as much as I can to understand how things work and how the valving all relates to each other. The one answer I still am yet to find is does the valving have anything to do with rider weight or is this covered by the spring and the valving is speed and trail conditions?

some people say they are independent but everything is always related in some way

generally people choose springs first and then play with the shims

spring forces are position dependent while damping forces from shim stacks are almost always velocity dependent so the damping can't hold you up if you are going really slowly down a hill for example

if you have too soft springs and try to make the forks stiffer with shims they can get harsh. if the springs are too stiff and you try to make the forks softer by removing shims they will blow through the stroke at some speed.

2 most important things to me with suspension; have the least amount of spring preload you can get away with (i don't measure sag) and increase the travel as much as possible.

everything else can be improved a bit but those 2 are the biggest improvements you can make to any suspension.

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