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Mar 29, 2003
BC Canada
I don't want to start another thread which will cause trouble but I have the very best example of how sometimes you cannot please a customer no matter what.
So we get a phone call. (I manage a small airline in the Arctic) A group of European canoers (always the worst tourists - they have no idea how big, rough and dangerous my country is) are 1/4 of the way on a crazy trip from Manitoba to Hudsons Bay. An EXTREME trip to say the least. They call on Sat phone asking if we can come and rescue one of their part who has become ill and needs to get out. They want to know how much it costs.
So I give them a quote, tell them 2 hours by airplane but I can't guarantee I can land in their location, but am confident I can land within a few miles. The guy is to weak to travel so I give them a quote for the helicopter, and send him off on a 160 mile one way trip to get this guy. The chopper is billed by the hour and it's a long trip in a slow aircraft. He's looking at $1000 an hour plus fuel.
We get the guy back here. He was too weak to climb into the chopper himself...that's how bad it is. The whole way back he's timing the flight. When he gets to Baker Lake we take him to the clinic, he gets out goes to the hotel, eats a mountain of food, then while pouring his tea is handed the bill. It was in the neighborhood of $7000. He starts slamming mugs and stamping his feet and becomes quite unreasonable saying that's not what he was quoted (I guess he thought he only pays for the trip one way???).
In the end I suggest that if he feels that bad about it I can fly him back to the bush and kick him out free of charge. He pays his bill, which we reduced and he is not a happy camper.
So here's a guy who departs on an insane trip in the worlds most hostile environment and is faced with the a bill for $6 grand or dieing and he is still unhappy. Sheesh. Whats your life worth? I should change the name of the airline to Charity Airways...If you can't pay don't take the risk! STay home. (Norway in this case)
****breaking news...just got a call he's being medivac to Winnipeg now. That's going to be $20-30000...I hope he bought travel insurance. I don't wish him any ill but come on people take a look around you. A can of Coke costs $2.60 here.
I see in the local news that a couple girls left St John"s NFLD this week to attempt a a north atlantic crossing on some sort of paddle insane is that?
In a few days they will require a search and rescue mission!!
Like Berger says ,something like :D ...its only an estimate,but it will cost alot
This kind of people is what makes me ashamed being a Norwegian. I support you saying: “If you can’t pay don’t take the risk!â€Â
well i think you rescued this ill man and then he saw the bill and now he's prophalactic shock! shame on you!


Taffy :twisted: :twisted:
Taffy said:
well i think you rescued this ill man and then he saw the bill and now he's prophalactic shock! shame on you!


Taffy :twisted: :twisted:

Taffy your likely right on that one. He takes heart pills every day, and I guess it's what the problem is. Let me ask you who in the hell in that kind of physical condition departs on a canoe trip through hundreds of miles of the most unforgiving landscape on the planet? People have no idea of what they are getting into.
We have free search and rescue in Canada too, but there has to be the line drawn between what should be free and when tax payers have to bail out stupidity. These people were wondering why the lakes were still all frozen??? HELLO ARCTIC! Have you watched or read National Geographic? Did you do any research or just put the canoe in the river and paddled away? I know myself I wouldn't last 2 days up here in the winter if I go down.
I expect another phone call from his friends in the next few weeks. There should be a law which makes people pay a bond up front for participating in extreme sports and expecting public rescue, or at least an insurance fund.
Crossing the North Atlantic on paddle boards? Say goodbye to those gals, unless of course they have big finacial backing and support, which is the way it should be.
Taffy your likely right on that one. He takes heart pills every day, and I guess it's what the problem is. Let me ask you who in the hell in that kind of physical condition departs on a dirt bike ride through hundreds of miles of the most unforgiving landscape on the planet? People have no idea of what they are getting into.

dez, could he be referring to us? 8O
Hahahah I thought about this after I wrote it, but we take off in a big group and lots of support...besides In Canada I pay lots of taxes so I deserve a get out of jail free card for when I perhaps get dragged out to sea in an offshore wind while kite surfing...hahaha Actually I should pay my taxes to the USA because the Canadian search and rescue are so useless that in the end they waste 6 hours deciding if they can do it they end up asking the US for help and the Blackhawk gets dispatched from Sitka Alaska and those boys are HARDCORE night vision all the toys...DAMN.

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