I am one of the people that Brett referred to, a potential buyer who searched and found this site and solidified my decision to buy my first berg. I will also be the first to admit that I am, for the most part, a mooch on the site. I am not a mechanic, racer, dealer, hell I can hardly get enough time to ride to make the purchase worth while, but I value this site. I try to help when i can, and I realize the intent and how important this site is to potential berg owners, so I volunteered to be a punching bag. to take one for the team, it is the least I can do.
people who are thinking that you can't start threads that have anything to do with Husabergs are just plain WRONG! it states that it is welcome here in plain english. No one said you can't be personable, sarcastic, funny, single out a specific person for an answer, ask a personal question, etc. etc.
People who are thinking that a threads natural evolution will be stimied are wrong as well. everyone knows what hijacking a post is, all we are saying is be cognisant of that and think about it.
Hell I helped create the new TOS, there were a few battles, but for the most part everyone agreed that it was the right thing to do. And after it was developed, what did I do? I went and posted a picture of our founder riding a donkey. (no comment from him yet, don't know if he thought it was funny or not? :roll: ) Other than the fact that the mystery rider was wearing husberg apparel, did it have anything to do with husaberg? or motorcycles, I was trying to make a point, albeit a subtle one, that we can still have a good time, the site is not sterile, people have a sense of humor, and that some people are OVER REACTING! Did I post a Q about XR's for my kids? did aspen post a Q about fuel for a race car, did Brett post about the new sweet ride? did any of them get shut down? NO. why? because post like that are fine, they invited everyone to comment, and had no HIDDEN AGENDAS!
the TOS and addendum will have VERY LITTLE, if any, impact on 99.9% of the people here. Why, because for the most part everyone is already mature enough to know when they can and can't do something. SO RELAX!
Right know we have a small hand full of dissenters, who are making a huge stink. we knew that would happen, and those of you that are doing it, you don't now it and probably don't care, but your making a lot more enemies than friends, it really pisses people off. The moderators are a smart group of guys, none of them are out to run anybody off. all of them have a a lot of respect for the people on this board. I am honored to be associatated with them and all of you. WHENEVER POSSIBLE They (we) will moderate using the SPIRIT of the law more than the letter of the law.
a TOS that vaguely identified the spirit of the law "just be nice" worked for quite some time, but unfortunately as the site grows it has to be spelled out. Otherwise it will turn into TT as we have seen in the last few months. If TT is what you want then go there, although I have yet to see anyone who is active on this site, over there posting drivel. so I can't imagine why you would start now.
Another couple of things to keep in mind, the right to FREE speech does not exist in a PRIVATE forum. Those of you who think that the TOS is un reasonable, it is because you are ONLY seeing the tip of the berg (pun intended). you really have no idea about the stuff going on behind the scenes on a number of the issues, the mods did not just pull this out of our collective ass.
If ya'll want to overreact, you will be the ones making the site no longer fun or a good place to hang out, WITH FRIENDS, it will not be the MOderators fault.
It will be a very sad day when jason pulls the plug on us all. nobody else here has mentioned that they have the balls or selflessness to run the site. So complain and whine, and cry. and everyone will know the reason why jason shuts us down. I honestly belive that it is not an idle threat.