I need this website.


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Aug 21, 2004
For those of you who do not know who I am, my name is Brett Saunders. I'm employed by BMG as marketing director for Husaberg in the US. I am also responsible for dealer sales in California, Nevada, Oregon, and Washington (and sometimes in New Mexico, Colorado, Utah, and wherever else I feel like going).

While I do not have formal training in marketing (my masters degree is in political science), I have run my own businesses for my entire adult life. And I feel like the business experience that I've accumulated has prepared me well for the job that I am currently doing. Many of you whom I've worked with know that I have a strong background in customer service, and I'm a true believer that "the customer is always right" (within reason, of course). And as many of you also know, I have a solid passion for what I do, and I take great pride in the growth that the Husaberg brand has experienced in North America.

Why am I telling you all this ?

My initial impression of the Husaberg dot org site, before I even agreed to work with BMG, was one of amazement. Here were a bunch of guys who had banded together and supported each other, accumulated a knowledge base, and shared information about a motorcycle brand that had experienced a terrible rollercoaster ride of issues. No support came from the factory or the importers. And it was such a valuable resource. This website had a lot to do with me coming to work for BMG, in retrospect. I figured that if a bunch of guys had the communal spirit to keep their collectively problematic bikes running, then I'd really be able to get them to support the brand as reliability and customer service improved. And to a point, I was right.


Maybe the adversity that the brand experienced was the glue that held the community together? Now that things are improving, there is nothing to complain about but ourselves? Maybe Husaberg owners in general do not play well with others? I don't know, but I'll tell you one thing:

I need this website.

I need this website because it's the one place on the web where a customer who does not already own a Husaberg can come to research the brand. Learn about the good and the bad. Hear first hand experiences. It’s grassroots marketing, and it's invaluable to me.

If you were doing research on the web, and you found the premier site for the product which you were interested in, how would you feel if you had to wade through posts where site members bickered with each other like six year old children about completely superfluous issues? You'd feel like it was a waste of your time, wouldn't you?

My hope is that we can get back on track. Personally, I'm going to stop posting anything that is not 100% related to Husaberg marketing, sales, or technical issues. That's right, no more pictures of my van ;) Might not be as much fun, but it will be more targeted and more useful.

Yes, I know that this site does not exist to serve my needs. But I do believe that my needs are in step with the Husaberg community at large, and that this site is the most valuable resource available to that community. As long as we act like (well-mannered) adults, that is.


Brett Saunders
Maybe we need an off topic section in the forum where we as members can get to know one another. I am still quite the newbie as far as Bergs go but if I can't post my silly pictures and comments in fear of getting a black mark then what is the point? Yes I may need to ask a question at some time but I would rather ask as a friend than some faceless "person" on the net.
So please keep posting any thing you think we as berg owners would like to see. I WANT to see pics of your van. I WANT to see pics of your bike.
Stuff like this is what makes us grow as a community or "family"
As for others who post crap attacks, then piss off, take it over to TT, they do have a exotics section.
I do realise that this is just an internet forum and they're a dime a dozen but this one as well as the NSDSC site means a lot to me. Let's keep it nice and show some respect to those who have earned it.

That's my .02c Canadian
Well put ! I think picts of Hussey vans and friendly banter is a natural way for people with common interests to get along and enjoy life...."you" provide an important role here, as alot of the others do....me ?? still tryun to figure it out :roll: I wouldn't call what you do here self serving but a voice for the folks that build these fine bikes......I think the site has had a influx of new people in the last year and I think everyone is just trying figure each other out....I'm with you, that sometimes childish nature seems to come to the top for all to view.....I know that in the near future it will settle down to the old flavor but with a newish twist that will suit all personalities.....Thank You for doing a great job and I will be buying another Berg SM.....small favour please...tell em to get a 550 production sm bike out with fuel injection.....heck I buy the first round :wink: Thanks for the great post !
Supermototeam said:
I do not have formal training in marketing (my masters degree is in political science), I have run my own businesses for my entire adult life. And I feel like the business experience that I've accumulated has prepared me well for the job that I am currently doing. Many of you whom I've worked with know that "I have a strong background in customer service, and I'm a true believer that "the customer is always right" (within reason, of course)". And as many of you also know, I have a solid passion for what I do

Hi Brett,
I would like to know whom you refer regarding customer service and what exactly it means.

Possible Examples:
Husaberg dealership, end user new model Husaberg owner, end user old model Husaberg owner, new product sales, replacement parts sales, product training, warranty issues, etc.

The easy answer of course being all of the above. :)
Other than new product sales what exactly does your job entail?

Not a cheap shot and / or personal attack. I honestly have no clue as to what it is you do regarding customer service and am asking so as to better understand your position.

Thank you in advance.

Supermototeam said:
Other than new product sales what exactly does your job entail?

That's a PM question, Dale.

I respectfully disagree as you publicly stated customer service to be your creed. I would expect no less than public confirmation.

I know of at least one bike that was sold recently here in so cal specifically b/c of this site and the knowledge available to all comers on Husaberg's. As well as the info I shared with this buyer, which was from my own personal experience, and the knowledge learned here.

I also know of a couple of non Husaberg owners who have visited this site and they always comment on how there is an absence of the childish bs that you're talking about that is readily available at other sites.

I think that most members here are very interested in helping all other Husaberg owners. And I believe most will agree that this site is/has been invaluable in maintaining and servicing our bikes.

I think THOR would be happy with us all..............
DaleEO said:
I know of at least one bike that was sold recently here in so cal specifically b/c of this site and the knowledge available to all comers on Husaberg's. As well as the info I shared with this buyer, which was from my own personal experience, and the knowledge learned here.

I also know of a couple of non Husaberg owners who have visited this site and they always comment on how there is an absence of the childish bs that you're talking about that is readily available at other sites.

I think that most members here are very interested in helping all other Husaberg owners. And I believe most will agree that this site is/has been invaluable in maintaining and servicing our bikes.

Dale to Dale:
Such speaks volumes regarding the true mission statement of UHE.

I think THOR would be happy with us all..............
Not too sure on this one. :D LOL

Best Regards,
Dale L.
There was one model year of the Bergs that had Odin, Thor, and another norse god name on the swing arm but I can't remember what year, maybe 99 or 2000?

I am very aware of whom Thor is, simply uncertain as to if he is truly happy with all.

Husaberg had "Bergie The Bear". Naming of the machines and a fury Mascot was not well received. :D LOL

Best Regards,
DaleEO said:

There was one model year of the Bergs that had Odin, Thor, and another norse god name on the swing arm but I can't remember what year, maybe 99 or 2000?

Well, I know that my model was the Odin 650 in 2001

I am one of the people that Brett referred to, a potential buyer who searched and found this site and solidified my decision to buy my first berg. I will also be the first to admit that I am, for the most part, a mooch on the site. I am not a mechanic, racer, dealer, hell I can hardly get enough time to ride to make the purchase worth while, but I value this site. I try to help when i can, and I realize the intent and how important this site is to potential berg owners, so I volunteered to be a punching bag. to take one for the team, it is the least I can do.

people who are thinking that you can't start threads that have anything to do with Husabergs are just plain WRONG! it states that it is welcome here in plain english. No one said you can't be personable, sarcastic, funny, single out a specific person for an answer, ask a personal question, etc. etc.

People who are thinking that a threads natural evolution will be stimied are wrong as well. everyone knows what hijacking a post is, all we are saying is be cognisant of that and think about it.

Hell I helped create the new TOS, there were a few battles, but for the most part everyone agreed that it was the right thing to do. And after it was developed, what did I do? I went and posted a picture of our founder riding a donkey. (no comment from him yet, don't know if he thought it was funny or not? :roll: ) Other than the fact that the mystery rider was wearing husberg apparel, did it have anything to do with husaberg? or motorcycles, I was trying to make a point, albeit a subtle one, that we can still have a good time, the site is not sterile, people have a sense of humor, and that some people are OVER REACTING! Did I post a Q about XR's for my kids? did aspen post a Q about fuel for a race car, did Brett post about the new sweet ride? did any of them get shut down? NO. why? because post like that are fine, they invited everyone to comment, and had no HIDDEN AGENDAS!

the TOS and addendum will have VERY LITTLE, if any, impact on 99.9% of the people here. Why, because for the most part everyone is already mature enough to know when they can and can't do something. SO RELAX!

Right know we have a small hand full of dissenters, who are making a huge stink. we knew that would happen, and those of you that are doing it, you don't now it and probably don't care, but your making a lot more enemies than friends, it really pisses people off. The moderators are a smart group of guys, none of them are out to run anybody off. all of them have a a lot of respect for the people on this board. I am honored to be associatated with them and all of you. WHENEVER POSSIBLE They (we) will moderate using the SPIRIT of the law more than the letter of the law.

a TOS that vaguely identified the spirit of the law "just be nice" worked for quite some time, but unfortunately as the site grows it has to be spelled out. Otherwise it will turn into TT as we have seen in the last few months. If TT is what you want then go there, although I have yet to see anyone who is active on this site, over there posting drivel. so I can't imagine why you would start now.

Another couple of things to keep in mind, the right to FREE speech does not exist in a PRIVATE forum. Those of you who think that the TOS is un reasonable, it is because you are ONLY seeing the tip of the berg (pun intended). you really have no idea about the stuff going on behind the scenes on a number of the issues, the mods did not just pull this out of our collective ass.

If ya'll want to overreact, you will be the ones making the site no longer fun or a good place to hang out, WITH FRIENDS, it will not be the MOderators fault.

It will be a very sad day when jason pulls the plug on us all. nobody else here has mentioned that they have the balls or selflessness to run the site. So complain and whine, and cry. and everyone will know the reason why jason shuts us down. I honestly belive that it is not an idle threat.
Hi risky1!

Those were good words.
I appreciate the clarification and have nothing else to say regarding either the TOS or your (the mods and admins) work to keep this place sane and running smoothly.
I know it ain´t easy.
Keep it up, and I am sorry if I have stirred.

I think people are complaining too much and over-reacting.

It's a friggin' Web forum, people, if it has become such an important part of your life, then you should rethink your life and behave less like drama-queens.
DaleEO said:

There was one model year of the Bergs that had Odin, Thor, and another norse god name on the swing arm but I can't remember what year, maybe 99 or 2000?

Hi Dale,

My 00 FE501 E is Baldour.

Please, GO RIDING!!! I know I did this weekend 65+ degrees up here ( snow tomorrow though) My ride may be 6 years old but this thing RIPS! Remember what brought you here, smoking the friends on Hondas etc...After the ride I pulled my seat and tank for the first time, changed oil and filter marveled what a fine piece of machinery this is, had to tell my wife how much I love her for buying me this beast. I personally need heaps of humor I don't believe Mods & Admins are out to kill our funky good time. So keep those cards and letters coming ,pictures too. As I told someone recently Bike riders/racers are some of the best people you will ever meet, give you the shirt off their back or tire as the case maybe(once at B to V) Look forward to meeting more of you guys in person.

Thanks to ALL
It is heads up who I knew first.
Brett, from Consolidated Racing Fasteners, or Dale Lineaweaver.
Man, we pop up in all the same places.
The first ama sm national during the tear down, there is Brett.
Dale, heck I learned your name from the family of old "76".
Brett, Derek would love to rub nuts.
One more guy I can think of too.
Can't outrun your past.
That which you are unwilling to confront is destined to repeat itself.
Hey, I have had a 'berg since the surdyke days.
Their lineage is somewhat compromised.
I still believe you will do the the right thing.
Displaying integrity is why I need this website.
SFO said:
"Can't outrun your past.
That which you are unwilling to confront is destined to repeat itself".

Truer words have never been put in print.

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