History is that I bought this bike for a very reasonable price from a guy in Prescott, the bike did run, when I got the bike to Flagstaff, it would not start very well. First thing was that the carb was jet for Vegas....where the guy had moved from. The carb is a FCR41. Second, when I drained the oil I saw very fine flecks of metal...nothing a magnet would pick up, but I paniced and pulled the top end. Well got everything back together, and then it still would not start. Took a look at the readings on the multimeter and saw that the stator was bad. So sent it to Sparks for reworking and received it back. The stator checks out, but I get a weak spark, I have checked all the wiring several times, (I don't have an e-start or lights). So last night I just about set the damn bike on fire. I was sooooo mad, I threw a couple of items of no valule to make myself feel better and now today I don't know what to do. I just would like someone else with more experience to take a look at the bike. I mean as I have said, I am not an *****....I can work on things....cars, motorcycles, teeth, etc....but I am not a Husaberg mechanic...hell I'm not even a motorcycle mechanic. I just can't figure this out and I am really getting too frustrated. This is supposed to be fun....and at this point it is anything but fun for me.
02 FX 650