Thinking of parting out the bike to get more money out of it. First thing to go is the engine. Then i will sell the rest of the stuff.
The engine has 188 hours on it. Engine was rebuild at 150hours by previous owner with new crank bearings, piston etc. At 175 hours i rebuild the cylinderhead with new camchain, rollerbearings and a new rewinded taffmeister stator. I have invoice copy of all parts.
Electric start does not work but start easy with kick.
Price for engine 900gbp /1150euro. Shipping within europe 150£ /190€. Engine will include ignition,carburetor, kickstart and gear lever.
The engine has 188 hours on it. Engine was rebuild at 150hours by previous owner with new crank bearings, piston etc. At 175 hours i rebuild the cylinderhead with new camchain, rollerbearings and a new rewinded taffmeister stator. I have invoice copy of all parts.
Electric start does not work but start easy with kick.
Price for engine 900gbp /1150euro. Shipping within europe 150£ /190€. Engine will include ignition,carburetor, kickstart and gear lever.

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