Hi folks
Husaberg newbie here and yes you've guessed it my first post is about a problem
I bought a 2010 husaberg 390 about 5 months ago and love the bike apart from the mega headshake I'm getting.
I'm approx 100kg in gear, late 40's trailrider (not a racer), with 7 years experience on everything from a CCM644 down to my last bike which was a WR250F (very softly sprung).
The first time I rode the bike I got headshake going across an open field in 4th gear, so I moved my ass up the seat which helped a little but didn't prevent me having to slow down to get it to stop shaking.
I then checked all the settings and found the previous owner had got way too much sag on the rear shock and the forks were pushed up through the clamps but that's not totally suprising as he was a lot lighter and smaller than me.
I've reset everything back to standard as per the manual but last time out on fast trails with gravel/fist sized rocks the bike again went into massive headshake (around the 4th gear area) which was boarding on a full on tank slapper. At the time I was standing up on the pegs and just kept it on the throttle trying to keep the front light. It did straighten out but then started to headshake again after deflecting off a rock a couple more times in the next half mile or so. In the end I backed off as I could no longer hold onto the bars.
So what do you guys suggest?
Do these bikes have known headshake problems?
Is there a common area to look at?
I must admit I've always preferred my bikes to be softly sprung even if it means riding slower (I'm too old for racing on trails) so I don't want a razor sharp race bike but an exciting trailbike.
Husaberg newbie here and yes you've guessed it my first post is about a problem
I bought a 2010 husaberg 390 about 5 months ago and love the bike apart from the mega headshake I'm getting.
I'm approx 100kg in gear, late 40's trailrider (not a racer), with 7 years experience on everything from a CCM644 down to my last bike which was a WR250F (very softly sprung).
The first time I rode the bike I got headshake going across an open field in 4th gear, so I moved my ass up the seat which helped a little but didn't prevent me having to slow down to get it to stop shaking.
I then checked all the settings and found the previous owner had got way too much sag on the rear shock and the forks were pushed up through the clamps but that's not totally suprising as he was a lot lighter and smaller than me.
I've reset everything back to standard as per the manual but last time out on fast trails with gravel/fist sized rocks the bike again went into massive headshake (around the 4th gear area) which was boarding on a full on tank slapper. At the time I was standing up on the pegs and just kept it on the throttle trying to keep the front light. It did straighten out but then started to headshake again after deflecting off a rock a couple more times in the next half mile or so. In the end I backed off as I could no longer hold onto the bars.
So what do you guys suggest?
Do these bikes have known headshake problems?
Is there a common area to look at?
I must admit I've always preferred my bikes to be softly sprung even if it means riding slower (I'm too old for racing on trails) so I don't want a razor sharp race bike but an exciting trailbike.