FE 501 - SuperMoto Wheels/Tyres?


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Jul 26, 2010
South West UK
Hi all

So looking forward to picking-up my FE501, not so much the journey home along the motorway!

I'd like to convert its current enduro wheel/tyre combo to a tubeless/road set-up. Has anyone got the specs and necessary info to help me organise this?

Maybe a daft question, but can I run road tyres with the current wheelset (perhaps with inner tubes or rim tape)?

Thanks in advance...

I'm confused.com!

If supermoto wheels use tubes, why are so many opting to ditch their enduro/MX wheels... is it a case of tyre size availability? Could I use supermoto/road tyres with my existing enduro rims or have I completely missed the point?


Now I'm confused too! :?

I'm no expert on supermotos (or anything else really), but don't you generally want different size wheels to what you'd have on most enduros? Enduros usually have something like 21"/18" while I thought SMs usually had smaller wheels (17"/17" on the current FS570). I though that's why most people changed them if they decided to change what they use the bike for (or have two sets of wheels and swap back and forth according to where you're riding).

AIUI some SMs also have slightly different suspension to their enduro equivalent.
Another thought - most SMs I've seen have regular spoked wheels and that makes sense because spokes cope better with taking impacts on rough ground than a solid/cast wheel would (same reason enduro bikes use spoked wheels). So I'm sure that's right about them using inner tubes. It's possible to make a spoked wheel which will take tubeless tyres as some of the BMW GS bikes have them, but it's unusual.

You should certainly be able to get reasonably road-oriented tyres for your enduro wheels if you want to do that. It depends on the rim sizes but there are dual-sport tyres out there for enduro wheel sizes which will be good on the road and give you some limited off-road capability if you need it (there's always a trade-off between the two). There may even be full-on road tyres for those sizes - I've never looked for that so I don't know whether you'll find really sticky road rubber if that's what you want. I have no problem getting tyres which are good on the road for my KTM 690 (21"/18"). Some dual-sport tyres can be run tubeless but it's not normally a problem to put a tube in them if you're running spoked wheels.
the question is do you want the quicker acceleration, higher lean angles and sharper handling that come with the smaller supermoto wheels? or do you just want some road rubber to ride to work or do some touring on?

if you just want some road rubber to go to work / tour on then save your money and just find some tyres to fit your 21/ 18 " rims.

if you want the whole sm experience then you gotta convert to 17" wheels.

there is no half way house i'm afraid.
I did a recent enduro to sm set up using 17" cast wheels - look nice & the price was right. Did it on the cheap side - bought a set up someone else had previously modified on this site for their bike / needed a few extra mods but in the end was a good experience / not as cheap as if I'd built from the ground, but not as expensive as buying a proper Husaberg set up (even 2nd hand).

Cant see why you'd want tubless unless you're really going for it - whatever it is??

I reckon now it would take me (&I'm slow) less that an hour to swap back to my enduro wheels that I'm keeping, along with the front guard, wheels spacers & chain.

Luckily my sm set up came with the big disc (had to buy the KTM caliper spacer but that was only £50.00). Cor..can that disc stop the bike - makes me laugh out loud...and what a ride ----of course it will feel different but I had no idea how different - just fly's in & out of the corners.

Cheers to the UHE member who sold me the wheels / tyres / spacers / discs & sprockets / front fender & gave me good advice. You can claim credit if you like but I wont tell..

Have a look at my gallery for before & after. I'm sure someone will recognise the wheels (project bargain & all that).
Thanks for advice/help/guidance.

Picked-up a set of '07 KTM wheels (Excel/Talon combo), for a few hundred quid and hope to fit 'em up soon'ish.

Local'ish 'Berg dealer (mega helpful and friendly bunch), reckon that any post '03 KTM wheels will fit, plus my 'Berg spacers can be re-used too... watch this space.

Better get the enduro tyre/wheelset listed on eBay, sharpish.



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