EFI and Tuning question


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Mar 1, 2013
Chino Ca
I have a few questions:

I have a 2011 FS-570

With a recently rebuilt motor. Top end/ bottom end, the whole damn thing!!:mad:

The only thing my mechanic did differently was to make the Throttle Body a little bigger. I also took the bike to the local KTM Dealer and had "the only map they can load into it" put on there.
(I live in California U.S.)

When I rode the bike for the first time, I thought that it was NOT as snappy and fast as the old motor. But I figured it's due to the bigger throttle body and just loosing a little low-end power. My pipe also glows red when I ride it now. But I honestly don't know if it did that before and I just never noticed.

I am afraid that the bike bike is running too "lean" with the map and the bigger throttle body. I called The KTM dealer and told them what I just told you and they said, "that's how they run" (the pipe glowing red) and that it's not running too lean.
I don't want to replace the motor again it was $$!

So my question is: Would buying this and taking it to a Dyno guy, help make sure i'm not running too lean. Can this product make the right adjustments I am looking for, if I take it to a Dyno guy?
Or is this used for something else?

JDHBX01 - Husaberg FE/FX390 (10) 450/570 (09-11)
JDHBX01 - Husaberg FE/FX390 (10) 450/570 (09-11)
Dyno and field tested, the Power Surge 6X will allow correction for humidity, temperature, air pressure, along with race fuels and motor modifications. The tuner adjusts in a matter of seconds in 6 zones, including an accelerator pump feature for more throttle snap response. The tuner can add or subtract fuel from the injection system. Conditions like rich or lean running, and stalling from flame-out at low revs can be corrected. The Power Surge 6X stays mounted on the motorcycle or quad and is easy to understand and adjust.

The Power Surge 6X is a next generation performance tuning product for modern EFI systems. JDJetting's testing and research will provide the performance you need.

JDJetting Power Surge 6X fuel injection tuner:
-Increase power
-Improve throttle response
-6 levels of fuel injection tuning
-Adjustable accelerator pump surge circuit
-Easy to adjust at the track or off road
-Tuning logic similar to a carburetor
-Installs in minutes
-Recommended settings included

Or do they not work and not worth the money.

Thank you

The standard map will be too lean I guess as you get more air now. The glowing header is not as it should be. Try to find someone who can install the competition map into your ECU.
If your dealer has the ability to load a map into the bike, then there exists a chance that coupled with a dyno, the dealer could write you a map.
too lean IMO, you added more air with the larger throttle body and are still sending the same amount of fuel thus you get a leaner mix going into the motor.

JD tuner will help

I would send your black box to a dealer out of state to get the comp map loaded if your cali dealer won't do it, also add the JD tuner for tuning at the dyno.
Thank you for the input. The Competition map is what they loaded at the KTM dealership. But I think it's just too lean for California and the bigger Throttle Body.
So I guess I will go with the JD or I also found this one. and take it to the Dyno guy.
Bazzaz for Husaberg FE570 '09-11
I believe it was 1lunger lent a 570 to Bazzaz to test / develop against. I like that we know that it was developed hands-on, and I remember he was happy with the box too as an user afterwards.

There's some info in the big 70-degree thread over at ADVrider - hard to link, am on mobile, you'll find it quickly on google
I believe it was 1lunger lent a 570 to Bazzaz to test / develop against. I like that we know that it was developed hands-on, and I remember he was happy with the box too as an user afterwards.

There's some info in the big 70-degree thread over at ADVrider - hard to link, am on mobile, you'll find it quickly on google

I spoke to Bazzaz and just bought their unit. So I hope it works.

Thanks again.

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