I got this bike home today. Bought it as is for a too good to pass up price. I had no pressure on the clutch so I tried to back bleed it and it will not even push the smallest ampont of ATF fluid through. I had the resivior cover off and the bleed nipple cracked open and checked the hole in it for a clog and could blow through it.
I was able to pump the lever and get some air out but not nearly enough to get it to work so I can ride. I own a KTM 300 EXC and have no problems back bleeding that clutch .
Any suggestions on the problem?? Man I want to ride this thing and this is the only thing keeping me from that.
I was able to pump the lever and get some air out but not nearly enough to get it to work so I can ride. I own a KTM 300 EXC and have no problems back bleeding that clutch .
Any suggestions on the problem?? Man I want to ride this thing and this is the only thing keeping me from that.