My bike had the breather modded so that it does not connect to the frame anymore, but is cut instead, connected with a wire to the hose coming down from the frame and a piece of foam inserted in it.
What is it good for, what are the pros and cons? It's seems that it's a piece of foam I'll have to think about cleaning and oiling once in a while but if there is a performance increase, why not.
Now if the performance increase is minute (and by the way this bike has more power than I need), can I just default back to the stock setup?
What is it good for, what are the pros and cons? It's seems that it's a piece of foam I'll have to think about cleaning and oiling once in a while but if there is a performance increase, why not.
Now if the performance increase is minute (and by the way this bike has more power than I need), can I just default back to the stock setup?